Chapter 9

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Yoongi and Jimin's room wasn't exactly what Taehyung expected. Well, he wasn't even sure what he was expecting but...this was better.

The room's walls were beige, with flower printing in a slightly darker color. The decor was either brown or beige and frankly, Taehyung liked it. Jimin sat down on the bed and dragged Taehyung down with him, both of them bouncing slightly while laughing and giggling.

And then Taehyung noticed there was only one bed and it made him wonder if the two already...did the do. Who wasn't going to admit he felt a little hurt but he guessed he should've expected it. They had been together for a long time after all.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Yoongi asked as he switched on the TV and opened Netflix.

"Anything is fine." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded, he hugged Taehyung's arm, nuzzling his face into his shoulder. Yoongi smiled at them as he switched on something random that he thought they'd like and went over to sit on Taehyung's other side.

Yoongi's mom came inside a little after the movie started and had brought them....a feast. Yoongi wasn't kidding apparently. She'd made food, popcorn, strawberries dipped in chocolate, chips and coke. Taehyung's eyes almost snapped out of their sockets.

"Thank you, mom." The woman smiled before exiting and leaving them to continue watching the movie.

"Aww, that's sweet." Jimin cooed at the side couple of the movie and Taehyung chuckled a little. Jimin looked up at him and smiled, kissing his cheek.

Something Taehyung had learned in the two hours they were watching the movie. Jimin loves being touchy and affectionate, so much so he was practically glued to Taehyung.

While Yoongi on the other hand, settled for only hand holding or not touching at all, eyes focused on the movie, completely unbothered.

"Taehyung-ah." He tore his eyes away from the screen and turned to see Jimin holding a chocolate coated strawberry close to his mouth. He blinked for a moment, feeling like he was going to panic but then Jimin smiled and he felt at ease once again. He opened his mouth and took a bite, Jimin giggling and bit into what was left of the strawberry.

"Am I invisible to you two?" Taehyung was startled for a moment before smiling and grabbing a strawberry, presenting it for Yoongi this time. He and Jimin both had massive grins on their faces as Yoongi age the whole strawberry from Taehyung's hands.

He didn't know what happened, he just knew in the next second, Jimin had dipped his finger in some of the chocolate and smeared it on Yoongi's cheek who glared at him.

Jimin giggled and got onto Taehyung's lap, sitting sideways so he was facing Yoongi and leaned in to lick the chocolate off. And goddamn if it wasn't the hottest thing he'd seen his whole life.

The movie was long forgotten since Yoongi had proceeded to do the same to Jimin and then - somehow - he was roped in too.

"What are we? Dogs?" Yoongi grumbled but still licked the chocolate from Taehyung's neck and the younger shivered from head to toe. Jimin snorted and licked the chocolate from his fingers.

"We need to change. We're practically drenched in chocolate. Taehyung can wear one of my too big onesies!" He exclaims very, very proudly and Taehyung cooed.

"Alright. Come on, let's go to the shower." Wait, what?

And that was when Taehyung's brain short circuited.

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