Chapter 4

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Taehyung wondered if Yoongi ever left Jimin's side, the answer was no but it didn't stop him from wondering all the same. They had a relationship that most people only dreamed of and Taehyung was jealous.

He wasn't so jealous that he wanted to ruin it.

He just wanted the silver-haired male for himself. It was selfish but he couldn't help it.

The basketball team were training again and Taehyung didn't hesitate to go and sit with Jimin. He and the male had this kind of agreement that Yoongi hadn't said anything about. He would just go over to the other, would sit down or talk to him and Yoongi said nothing. Didn't even threaten him like how Jungkook said he would.

"Why do you like Yoongi?" Jimin was taken aback by the question and was silent for a moment before a small smile graced his lips.

"Well, I've known Yoongi since kindergarten. He was the one everyone didn't want to go to because he was silent and stared at you while you talked. But I liked that, he was a very good listener. He remembered everything I said and after that, we slowly got to know each other. And I only realized how much I loved and cherished him when, uh, well, when my parents kicked you out. He and his parents took me in and after a few months, I finally confessed, completely ready to move out and live on the streets. But instead, he said he loved me back. And we've been inseparable ever since, he's very protective." Taehyung placed his head on his hand.

"Why did your parents kick you out?" Maybe Taehyung didn't think when he blurted that out but Jimin didn't seem to mind as he just looked down at his hands.

"Maybe I'll tell you next time." Jimin smiled fondly as Taehyung pouted and huffed. It was endearingly cute, but Jimin couldn't trust him yet.

Taehyung sighed and nodded, he took a moment to look at the other. It's like that's all he does right now. Well, when you have someone so beautiful in your life, it's a must you worship it as much as you can. And Taehyung was no exception to that.

Basketball training ended sooner than he would've like, seeing as it was one of the only times Jimin was alone without that grumpy man next to him.

Though he still followed him down the bleachers and narrowed his eyes as a group of students ran down.

"Hey, be careful!" He called after them but it was too late, one of them had bumped in Jimin and the smaller fell forward. It was like the world went in slow motion as Taehyung's eyes widened and a scream of Jimin's name left his mouth. But it was too loud. He wasn't the only one who shouted.

He crouched next to Jimin who was cradling his hand against himself and groaning in pain. Taehyung could see the red blood coming down his wrist and winced slightly.

"O-oh god no, Y-Yoongi-" Maybe Taehyung was hurt that Jimin called out to Yoongi first but that didn't matter seeing as the smaller was hurt. Of course you would call for the person closest to you. Yoongi was by his side in a moment.

"Shit, you're bleeding. Dammit-" Yoongi cursed as he held Jimin's palm, where the wound was. Taehyung was confused, why were they freaking out over a little bit of blood? He understood that he needed to get it cleaned up but that didn't mean they had to panic.

"We have to go to the nurse. Come on, baby." Yoongi helped Jimin up, the You gets eyes were the size of saucers as he stared at his palm in horror, tears clouding his eyes and god Taehyung just wanted to go and kill whoever pushed him down but right now he needed to know what's going on.

It was like he wasn't even there as they went to the nurse. Yoongi was completely focused on Jimin who was, in turn, absolutely scared shitless.

"Ms. Kang, he's bleeding. Quick!" The woman turned and didn't even bat an eyelash as she immediately grabbed bandages and a needle. Taehyung's eyes widened further.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Why are you freaking out over a cut?" It was only then that Yoongi noticed him and the glare he gave him would've scared anyone. Taehyung didn't care.

"It isn't just a cut for Jimin. Never has been. It's a life and death situation, kid." Taehyung frowned and stomped his foot in frustration.

"What do you mean? Can you stop with the riddles and just tell me?" Ms. Kang injected the needle into Jimin's arm and then proceeded to stab his wound up.

"You're the new student? Mr. Kim, right? Mr. Park here, unluckily, inherited a disease from his family. Ever heard hemophilia?" He can barely remember it from classes. Something about blood not being able to clot and continuing to bleed for a long time.

And that's when it hit him.

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