The misadventures of meeting your Mate?

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Mariah POV

I wake up at 6:30 because I have an 8 am class. Sucks how they do freshmen like this. I thought starting college I would never have to wake up so early anymore. My advisor Mr. Stature says that it's best to wean yourself into college life, but I think he said that just because it's just something you say to freshman.

I take my shower with my dial peaches, and cream body wash. My mom got this for me because she says it enhances my natural scent. I go to my mirror and take a hand towel to wipe off the condensation. "DAMN my hair is a mess" "It doesn't look that bad," Destiny says. "Says the one that doesn't fiscally have to go through wash day," I whine. "Haha sucks to be human," She snickers.

I mentally roll my eyes at her. I put my hair into a bun and kept it pushing.  I change into a pink crop top, blue jean shorts, and my cardigan. I walk downstairs to find my bestie making breakfast, and  I go up an smack her ass. "Thanks for breakfast baby," I say in my best husky voice. "Hardy har bitch this ain't for you it's for my man," She says just as Daniel walks in and kisses her on the forehead and feels her ass. "OOOKAY you know what Imma get chick fil it (Chick-Fil-A inside joke in our family) on the way to school," I say as I leave the kitchen before I see anything I don't need to.

 "OOOKAY you know what Imma get chick fil it (Chick-Fil-A inside joke in our family) on the way to school," I say as I leave the kitchen before I see anything I don't need to

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"Don't be like that!" Alex yells from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and go toward the front door. I click the keys and find it was to a 2017 Honda Accord. "Sweet." I make it to the Tate center an go inside and find a line to the is almost at the door. I groan to myself and stand in line. As soon as I grab my food I sit at a table unravel my headphones off my iPhone 7 and start I pull out my laptop to watch youtube and to eat my chicken biscuit with strawberry jelly.

"Is this seat taken?" A girl asks. "Naw you can take it," I say pulling out one of my headphones. "My name is Katherine," She says sitting down an extending her hand. "Mariah." I introduce. " Is this your first year too?" She asks. "Yea, it is the only school I wanted to go to and also the only school I could go to, my dad is kinda protective, so all of my older siblings go her to," I say as I roll my eyes. Now that I get a good look at her she is gorgeous. She can't be much taller than me maybe 5'2. She has long black hair that she put into a french braid — sun-kissed skin, brown eyes, and peach plum lips. I would get with her, even though she's human.

We are sitting and talking until I realize I have a math class in like 10 minutes. "SHit I gotta go, it was nice to meet you," I say standing up. "Wait can I at least have your phone number?" She says while holding out her phone. "Sure."I quickly put in my contact and tell her to text me before taking out my skateboard from behind my back and rush outside. I skate down, and then I hit a wall. Once I look up, I see the most handsome man I have ever seen. He looks furious though. My wolf is trying to tell me something, but I ignore her. If this guy wants to be a piece of shit after an accident so be it. I deck him in the face when I hear my wolf "MATE" She screams. Oh well shit. "Shit I'm sorry," I say nervously. He looks at me like I am like the most beautiful person in the world. His brown hair is sleeked back, and his bluish-greenish eyes are making me weak at the knee.

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