Life back to a New Normal?

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Mariah's POV

I walk into Ads bedroom and see his hands doing a grabbing motion. "What's wrong baby boy, don't worry mamas here," I tell him as I pick him up. He quite's down a bit as I prepare to change his diaper. "Did you have a good nap, yes you did yes you did." I coo to him in a baby voice. At two months old he's really more advanced than other babies. As with all Alpha children, they develop quicker than other wolves. Which is why my two-month-old may look a month or two older. As I changed his diaper Catalina came into the room. "hola Mariah, how are you today?" she asked me. "I'm fine, tired," I tell her honestly. "Awe mi amore, let me take him. Dom says he'd like to speak to you anyway." She says coming towards me and Ads. "okay then," I say handing my baby over to his grandma. "I'll see you later," I tell him kissing his cheeks making him laugh.

I walk downstairs to be greeted with the lights deemed, rose pedals lining the way to the living room. I walk in and find Dominic standing with a huge bouquet of roses. And not just any roses, Blue roses. He remembered how much I hate the cliche red. I walk over to him and take the flowers from him. " What's is all of this?" I ask him. "It's for you I want to take you out tonight." "Awe that's so sweet. But I can't leave Adrian he hadn't been without me for more than 30 minutes." I tell him. He just smiles and wraps his arms around me.

"What if I told you I have everything under control?" He says. " I'd say where's the steak?" I say with a laugh. He laughs too and takes my phone out of my back pocket. "I set up the baby monitor app on both of our phones." He says. I sigh. He did think of everything. He brought his mom who is one of my babies favorite people, cameras so that I can see how he is, and he got me these roses. "Okay." I say with a smile. He gives me a devilish smirk and he pulls away and turns and grabs a gift bag that I just noticed was sitting behind him.

" This is for you to wear tonight." He says. I smile and nod and head back upstairs. " Did you say yes?" Catalina asked when I came to the top of the stairs. "What can I say, your son can be a very convening." I  say with a smile." She shacks her head and walks back down the stairs. I go to check on my son and see him in his play pin. "Let's get mommy ready big boy." I tell him. He turns head from what he's doing and scoots towards me to pick him up. We leave his room and go into mines.

I sit him in his pay pen in our room and get ready for this date. I look at myself in the mirror. Man I hadn't done shit with my hair in forever. I need to at-least wash and put something in it to keep it moisturized. I finger combed through my hair to try to get it out to the knots that it had become. Once I finally got all the knots out I put in my moisturizer and watched as my hair came back to life. I decided to form my hair into a poof in the back and go into the closet and decide to look in the bag. I haven't really lost any of my belly from when I was pregnant or at least that's what it feel like to me. I pull out the gift that Dom got for me and it was a beautiful purple dress that flowed down to change into light pink. It had a deep V neckline with a flowing skirt. He remembered how I'm not feeling to hot about my body but got me something that will let me look beautiful even if I'm not feeling it.

"He is so sweet." I say as I put on this dress. I looked stunning. Despite the pludging neckline I'm not spilling out of it. I walk to the mirror and get a good look at myself before heading to check on my baby. I walk out of the closet to find Ad gnawing on the ear of his teddy bear Maliki gave him in the hospital. "You really like that bear don't you. Let's take a pic to send to uncle Mal." I take my phone from my pocket and take a picture and see my boy smiling back at me. "Omg Dominic come here!" I yell for my mate. I hear him running up the stairs and rushing to the door of our bedroom. He looks for any signs of danger but then looks at me. "What's up?" He asks walking up to me and wrapping his arms around me. "He smiles for the first time see!" I say showing him my phone. "That's so awesome babe." He says kissing my mark and going over to pick up our son. "Your too dag gon' cute mi hijo, so I'm taking you mommy out and we'll see you later." He says to him and kisses his forehead. "Looking good babe let's get going." He graves my hand with his free one and lead me back to the living room we're his mom is waiting. "Gracias ma for watching him while we go out." He greets his mother handing over my son to her.

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