Getting the troops together

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Right now, I am sitting in my son's room, holding his favorite blanket just to take in his scent. I can't believe the one moment that I wasn't with my son. Someone came in and snatched him. How the hell can I call myself a Luna, the mother of the pack? When I can't protect my own young. All I've been doing for the past few days since he was taken was sitting here and holding his blanket. This is the main room in the house that smells like him. At times it can be suffocating, but Destiny and I can't bring ourselves to leave. Hoping that Dom will come through the door and tell me they found him, or know where to start looking.I hate feeling so helpless, my parents and my siblings have all dropped what they were doing to come and help with finding their nephew/grandson. I love them so much. I can't believe that they took the time from their busy schedules just to come to help out.

As I was lost in my thoughts, there was a knock on the door. I look up and see the person at the door is my lovely mother. She comes in to bring me snacks, food, and other things. "Hey, I brought you some food." She says softly. I just nod. She brings over the food and places it onto the bedside the table."Are you ready to eat now?" She asks. I just shrugged my shoulders. "You have to eat something, and I hear that they have a plan, and they need you to be at the top of your game." She tells me. This gets my attention. "What do you mean?" I ask. " I hear that Mal and the others have a plan down pact. I'm sure by the end of it, and we'd have little Addy back." She says. Yes, she had made a name for my son. Even though it is a girly nickname, for now, my son loves when his granny calls him that. "Okay," I say, and take the plate and begin to eat.

After I got finished eating, I got up to go and changed. Maybe today will be the day. Maybe we know where my son is or at least a general direction. My biggest worry is that he isn't eating right. He is strictly breastfed. We just recently got him to have bottles of breast milk when I started back at school. Just like his dad, stubborn and doesn't like so much change at that much. I put my hair in a puff and walk out of our room and to the pack house.I get there and see Dion, Sedrick, and Dominic all talking in hushed tones. I walk up to them and hug my body up to Dom. He wraps his arm around me but continues speaking. "Hey, amor." He says to me and kisses my neck. I just nod my head. He continues whatever conversation he was having with the boys. I wasn't really paying to much attention until my name wascalled upon. "Amor, we need you to do something, I know we kinda suggested this before but you never really said a yes or a no to it." "I'll do anything if it means we get closer to finding my son," I say confidently, putting my chin on his chest to look up at him. "Le'ts go to my office." The boys nod their heads, and we leave the main room of the pack house and go into Dom's office. Its one of the most secure places, so nothing that is being said in this room will go out into the outside world.

He takes my hand and leads me over to his desk while Dion and Sedrick sit in the respective seats they usually do while in is office. Dominic sits down at his desk and has both of his hands on either side of my hip. I put my hand through his hair, and I know this is one of the things that helps him calm down. Just as I had Dom, hasn't been getting any sleep, He has been trying to look at every angle every and yet hasn't come up with anything. Not any closer to finding our son, he mostly stays here in his office.

I mean sure he comes home, but it's mostly when I'm asleep or when I'm trying to sleep. I know this because I would feel the bed dip beside me and feel him kiss my forehead. But then in the morning, he would be gone again. "Mariah, we need for you to contact Destiny? Haven't you said that whenever something big happens, she only tells you around the time it happens?" He asked me. "Yea, but Dom, you can never know what she was really going to say. As far as I can tell, she's just as depressed about our missing pup as Xavior is." I tell him honestly.

"We need to at least try, right? Maybe if she has spoken to the moon goddess, she can give us some closure. I've been over the CCTV footage over and over, but I can never get a clear picture. All I can see is a guy in a mask and our son screaming his head off." He tells me. His eyes are duller now. Like a light grey compared to his bluish-green, he normally sports. The same eyes that my son had inherited. Whenever we saw the color of his eyes first appear, it was amazing. It was the morning of his third month birthday. And yes, I have been celebrating each month mark by having a small party for him. I went to his room to go change him, and he smiles at me, his eyes bright with his beautiful blue eyes he got from his father.

I cried like a baby, and I screamed for Dom to come to see. When he came in and looked around to make sure that everything was all good, he looked at me with a questioning look. I picked up my son and showed him his eyes. Dom just kinda giggled and came up to us and cradles us close to him. I smile at the memory, but looking at him now, it makes me sad that he's stressing himself out so much. "Okay. I'll do it. Want to do it here? I mean I've never been inside doing this then again I don't really know what happens to my body when I'm there." I ramble.

Dom just smiles and kisses my lips. "It's kinda weird, to be honest. Your eyes do this weird thingy where your iris goes away and. " I smack his chest and laugh. "Okay, okay, I get it. Let's get started, shall we?" I ask. He nods his head. I go to the middle of his office and sit crisscrossed and calmed my mind. I breathed in and out for a few minutes and then was greeted with the same views I usually see when I come to see Destiny. "You need to tell me what the moon told you. We have to save our pup; you can't just leave me hanging this time." I tell her, sternly. She sighs. "Well, remember when I said that we would need our mate in order to achieve something." She starts. "Yes, and now that we are here and some wacko stole my baby, your gonna talk to me in riddles again," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Mariah, I am trying to be serious here. Dominic is going to get betrayed by the one person he least expected. He is working with our sworn enemies." "Another guild?" I asked."No, much much worst." She says. "Vampires." We say at the same time. "But how do they know about my baby? I mean, it's not like its common knowledge that Dominic has a son." I asked, confused. "Luna told me that the vampires had scene the prophecy as well. That they wanted it to go gain access to something. Not really sure what, but they need heaven's light to do it."

"Destiny, your still not making sense. Vampires don't live down this way. It's too humid for them. The sun shines too brightly for them to even want to stick around." I say, running my hand through my hair. "That my dear is something that you would have to figure out." She tells me. "Is there anything else that you can tell me anything at all?" I ask. "Make sure that you kick that bitches ass." Is all she says before I'm brought back to reality.

Dominic's POV.
I'm sitting in my office watching Mariah's body as she's speaking with Destiny. "Am I the only one that finds it weird that her eyes do that," Dion says, shaking his hand in front of her face. "Dion, I suggest you stop that before she slaps the shit out of you," I tell him. Sedrick chimes in, he's been silent most through most of this. "I think we need to bring Nakita. You know she's our best warrior. She would be the one to settle all of this." He says. Nakita was sent to do recon for me; I wanted to officially shut down that guild that had taken my mate and son.

She actually succeeded but had to stay low for a while in order for another guild not to try to take her and her group out. "I agree, she is the best heck she is even the one that showed that knucklehead over there a thing or two," I say with a laugh. "I resent that statement. Dion says. "Call her," I instruct.

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