Chapter 7: Why?...

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Chara. That's the name of the girl that had just entered Snowdin.

That girl was, unfortunately, your sister, and abused you for many years and probably would have continued to, if you didn't run away.

That girl will always hold a special place in your heart. Not the good one though. The place she held would always be in a dark abyss full of nothing but fear and depression.

The dream you had could be a reciprocate of these feelings. Your depression and fear were so immersed inside of you that your own mind sought out a way to destroy them. Granted, it was a positive way, but it wasn't something you want to just 'welcome with open arms.'

You had heard from Sans, which had heard from somebody else, that the abusive sist- ex-sister was in town. Apparently, Sans had asked a few of those he could trust with the information regarding your situation, and asked them to keep a look out for her.

You didn't quite know what to do. Your head was already in shambles and your feelings were rioting and trying to dominate one another for ultimate control. Depression, anger, fear, sadness...the emotions listed on as the fought in the great war.

You had doubts, of course, that perhaps you had been to harsh on her. Those thoughts were usually quickly shadowed by your distrust in her, followed by your unrelenting anger that was bottled inside.

Soon enough you wanted to push yourself into the open for a confrontation. It was something you were unsure about, mainly because you didn't know if you were going to attack her, or flee.

Concern also came to the family of skeletons, and they began to continuously worry on your behalf. Sans, knowing the cause all too well, wanted to give Chara a personally made knuckle sandwich as a peace offering in hopes that we could all get along. You had to stop him, telling him that you had to face your own fears head on.

Face them head on. Yes, you were going to do it! You weren't a coward! Who is she to control you? You are your own person! Nobody can stop you!

You gave yourself another day of mental preparation. You wanted to figure out what exactly you were going to say to your sister, as well as play a few scenarios in your head for practice.

You were afraid of the outcome, yes. What if, she just decide to pull out a knife and threaten you for speaking you mind? What if she decides to hurt you again? Many of these thoughts rushed into your head, as in everywhere else was hazardous and your brain was the only safe zone.

Finally, the day came. You were going to confront the woman of your nightmares.


Chara finally arrived in Snowdin after all this time. Her brother was here, she was sure of it. She had to find him, no matter the matter the cost.

No! Bad Chara! No thoughts like that! That's what drove him away in the first place...

She thought to herself frequently as she strolled through the snowed in town. Mainly, she thought of one thing 'Why?...'

Why did she do it? Why did she do it for so long? Why did she do it at all? There was a reason, she knew there was. She pondered for an answer, even as she checked in at the local motel. She got the room 1132 and was checked in to stay a few nights.

Perhaps it was her own fear? Fear of what though? Losing somebody else? That didn't make sense to her though. Why would she do it for that reason?

Maybe it was because it was hard on her? Did the loss of her parents take that big of a toll on her? Is that why? She wanted to take out her own anger and sorrow on her own little brother? Or was it just her way of 'teaching him the world' or 'disciplining him.' was for all of those things? Her experience over losing her parents birthed a fear for her brother, so she 'disciplined' him to make him stay safe. She didn't realize it until now, but she used it to help suppress her own problems. Her anger, sadness, and everything else went into the pain her brother received.

She felt terrible, almost to the point she wanted to throw up. She was sick, both mentally and physically. She had done this for so long...and she couldn't even imagine how her brother thinks or feels right now. The fact that she took some kind of pleasure in hurting her little brother like sickened her.

A few days passed by and she still lived with the immense guilt. She usually curled her knees into her chest at night, sometimes even crying. She would also pace around the room, worrying and pleading to her brother in her mind for forgiveness. Even in her own simulations she couldn't find a good outcome to the inevitable confrontation.


The siblings, though separated, share similar mind sets and actions. They both have problems, both mentally and physically that they have to deal with. To be honest with themselves, they weren't entirely sure they were ready to see each other again at all.

Here's a shirt little chapter to get things going again! Hope you enjoyed this small little read here.

Broken Siblings (Abusive Older Sister Chara x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now