20 : I love you

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Two months after the ceremony Logan and I had a lot to do as alpha and luna of the pack. Visiting villages and helping our packmembers. Of course as the new Luna I received special treatment. The down to earth villagers were friendly after seeing me, however they feared Logan pretty much, which was why I almost got the feeling that they were super friendly to me because of pity. I used the time to get acustomed to my new home. I also had time to read Mom's diary. However everything inside was cryptic to me. No wonder Dad was never able to tell who was responsable for Mom's death.

Logan and I had just a few alone moments. It was also quite rare to wake up beside him because there were rogue attacks from time to time, that kept him busy all night.

This morning was one of the few I spend with him. 

I woke up in the arms of my mate.

"I want  to get used to these mornings." Fiona declared

I thought about our late night talks. We made it to our very own couple ritual to talk all night until one of us falls asleep. However it was always me who dozed of in one of our conversations. Though our talks I learned that talking to Logan was deepening our bond. Living with him wouldn't be all bad if we were on good terms. Beside now I understood that his wicked ways were not with sinister intention. I guess, it's his way of handling things?

I need to change him bit by bit. I believe in all those books that say a person can change for another. Hopefully I was the person Logan would change for... because I wasn't so sure about that with all those long legged women around him.

I reached over to my hiding place where I put mom's diary and began to read. Logan was still sleeping peacefully. So I was not going to be the spoilsport who woke him up. Being an alpha is exhausting. 

"So now we are acting like the loving wife?" Fiona teased. 

I don't know what you're talking about. 

"Mhm. Sure." Fiona sighed.

I opened the old diary and read for the hundreth time this week the last entry. I was determined to find something in this diary. How come our mother-daughter-bond is so weak? I can't even understand my own mother...

"What are you sulking about this early in the morning?" Logan's sexy morning voice always got me. 

"My mom. I don't understand why I can't figure her out." I sighed.

"You don't know her. Never met her. She's practically a stranger to you." he said poking his nose in my shoulder blade. I noticed how comfortable he felt around me. "Still..."

"I've send people to do some research on that case." Logan added. "You did? When?" I blurted. I had thought that he forgot because he was so busy with the rogues on the border. "The day we visited your Dad." he stated simply. I melted. He really did? After our fight I would be the last one to think that he actually did. 

It's getting more difficult from day to day to deny our emotional attachment. 

"Thanks for trying." I whispered. 

"Anything for my love." he smiled kissing my lips softly. "I love you." he said suddenly. Huh? I was caught in surprise. Well, that was one sudden confession. 

It was not that I was oblivious to his growing hunger for me. Every time he got home from an exhausting day he would attack my lips with never ending passion. Our make out session (that would make my Dad and Amy blush in shame if they ever find out) sometimes got so passionate to the point that I thought Logan would get rid of our clothing. However the alpha was able to control himself. He was probably feeling that I wasn't yet ready to take the huge step of mating. I want to be absolutely sure about us before doing the irretrievable. Logan felt that saying something along the line: "I'll wait until you're ready, my love." 

That simple line made me feel even more butterflies. Call me hopeless romantic...

 I hid my embarrassed red potato face in his neck. His scent was incredible. "Don't tease me, Logan." I replied. He chuckled. 

"Let's get dressed and eat something. I'm starving." I uttered hastily. Logan just chuckled.

I bet no one in this packhouse has ever seen their alpha in such a good mood before. 

We went together downstairs. I wore one yellow summer dress that I liked. Logan preferred his simple white shirt and a pair of dark trousers. "I love to have breakfasts with you." said happily munching on my bagel happily. Logan leaned over the table to tuck a strand of my hear behind my ear. "I love everything as I long as I do it with you." was his reply. 

He was such a flirt. I almost choked on my bagel. 

"Am I disturbing your lovey-dovey, younger brother?" a mocking voice echoed through the room.

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