1- Her

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Taeyong's POV

The afternoon sun glinted off of the bright red hair of the boy who sat on a low wall just outside of the school cafe, enjoying in the cool autumn weather.  Every once in a while, a group of girls would come out of the cafe, giggling and whispering, while stealing glances towards the red-haired beauty only a few feet away.  The boys who walked out, too, glared in his direction.  Talk about serious eye candy, Taeyong was hot.  And everyone knew it.  A hot boy was a bad boy and the bad boy got the girls.  And besides that, everyone knew that he held legendary parties.  Every Friday night, his apartment was overflowing with rowdy students, booze, and music.  

And girls. 

Unfortunately, parties didn't help his grades, and right now, he needed to pass his classes.  

"Yo."  Taeyong glanced up from his phone at the brown-haired boy with bright, wide eyes. 

Mark inclined his head towards the cafe door as a lone girl exited the building. She wore a cute white flower-print dress with a lavender cardigan, which in his opinion looked good on her.  And to be honest, he thought she was quite cute, herself, too. Taeyong watched as she walked past him without even a single glance his way. He was genuinely surprised.  It wasn't every day that a girl passed him up without at least looking in his direction.

"Who is that?" He asked Mark, intrigued.  There was something about her that made him feel...different.

"That was Y/N.  She's in my business class, this year.  She's also available for tutoring lessons.  I'm thinking about getting a few," Mark said as he took a sip from his iced coffee.  He glanced at Taeyong with a glint of curiosity in his eye, "Why'd you ask?  You need tutoring, too?"

Taeyong didn't know what to say so he shrugged his shoulders, "I was just wondering.  I don't need help," he replied, flatly, ignoring the suspicious look that his friend now gave him.  But, inside, his mind was racing.  He said her name over and over in his head, committing it to memory with a small, private smile.

Y/N, I will remember you. 

"Hey, can I come over to your place, tonight? I have a partner project for my class," Mark asked, suddenly, jumping down from the wall.  

"Yeah, you can come over, as long as you aren't going to mess around." He then paused to wink at a group of girls who were walking past, and they all ran away, screaming.  Ah, that never got old.


At 7:00, there was a knock at the apartment door.  

"Johnny, can you get the door?" Taeyong yelled from his room to his roommate, who was on the couch in the living room, watching TV.  He heard Johnny sigh before getting up.  There was the sound of shuffling feet and the door opening.  He heard Mark's disembodied voice as it floated from the living room through the walls of his bedroom.  Taeyong rolled over on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.  He had been lying there for an hour, thinking about the girl that he had seen walking out of the cafe and wondered if she liked to go to parties.  After all, he did host some of the best parties on the campus.  Taeyong contemplated on hosting a party this Friday.  Perhaps, he would personally invite Y/N if he saw her around, or maybe, he would have Mark ask her. For some reason, the second option seemed like a safer route, although he couldn't understand why he suddenly felt like he didn't have the guts to just find her and ask her himself.

Perhaps, I ate something weird for lunch?

Getting up, he headed to the bathroom.  After locking the door, he spent a few minutes looking at himself in the mirror, wondering if he should change his hair color.  Maybe he would go for a light brown the next time he went to the stylist.  Or perhaps he could go for pink...Taeyong looked at himself in the mirror, again, with a smirk.  The last time he had dyed his hair pink he'd made a few girls faint in his classes.  

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