14- Fall

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Hehe got some good stuff 

~J & Y

Your POV

1 month later

You woke up to the smell of cooking breakfast and hopped out of bed, walking over to wrap your arms around your favorite person, who was happily cooking eggs and bacon.  

"Good morning, sunshine," you heard Taeyong say as he turned to ruffle your messy morning hair, pulling you in for a kiss.

"You will meet me at the cafe after your shift?" He asked.

"Mhmm," was your reply.  You had promised him a date at 5:00.

Before you left, he wrapped you up in his arms, "I love you Y/N. Remember that, today."

You smiled," I love you too, Taeyong-ie."

The day was so bright and the sky blue.  You were happy as was he.  You were together.  You were loved.   

The day was the same.  You went to your classes, as usual, and took up another shift at the convenience store, before heading to the cafe to meet up with Taeyong, who you knew would be waiting for you.  The thoughts of seeing him and his light brown hair made you smile as you packed up your bags, put away your apron in the back room, and signed in your hours for the day.  On the way out, you said hi to Jisung, who was coming over from his classes to work an evening shift.

With the setting sun in your eyes, you missed the shadow that followed you.

Suddenly, something grabbed you from behind. You tried to scream, struggling to wriggle out of the iron grip that your attacker had around your neck, but couldn't move.  A cloth was put under your nose and mouth, and you tried to take a breath, only to have a sick, cloying scent hit your nostrils, making black spots appear and grow in your vision. 

"Jina Kang sends you her regards," was the last thing that you heard before the world went black.

Taeyong's POV

Taeyong checked the time on his phone.  It was already 5:35.  Y/N was 30 minutes late, which bothered him.  He tried to text her, but they were never opened.  When he called, her phone went to voicemail.  

"...Y/N is not available.  Please leave a message..." Taeyong silently cursed to himself.  Y/N would never be late.  Never.  He began to get nervous.

At 6:00, he got a text message, and his eyes narrowed changing from cautious interest to jaded anger.


Unknown: Y/N will only live 2 days unless you pay.

Taeyong: Who are you 

why do you have her

If you hurt her you will pay

Unknown: Send your maknae to __(sketchy location here)__. at 10:00 tomorrow night.

No one may follow.

If we catch anyone else, the girl will die.

And so will the boy.

Taeyong swore loudly, causing several bystanders to turn in his direction with surprised glances.  He ignored them, rushing out of the cafe, headed towards his apartment.  On the way, he texted the group:

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