18- Best Friend

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Wanna One's POV

"We lost track of their location," Guanlin stated, his brow furrowing as the GPS stopped picking up a signal, "It looks like we've been caught, cheating."

Ong kept his eyes on the road, but nodded, "Get ready to roll.  T-minus 1 minute to the target."

In the back of the van, the rest of Wanna One clicked the safety pins of their guns off, gathering their gear as they readied themselves for the raid.  One of them, Daehwi, handed out earpieces to the other members.  

Guanlin hesitated, turning to the brains of the gang, JiHoon, "Do you think they might have an ambush waiting for us?"

The handsome boy looked up from the gun in his hand, "Based on what we just found out, I would say that they are waiting for us, definitely.  We should split up into groups."

The van stopped, and the members piled out, stealthily taking to the shadows.

"Can you hear me?" Ong's voice filtered through Guanlin's earpiece.  

"Copy, Leader."

"Good.  Split up into your sub-units.  No.1, take to the main mission and eliminate hostiles.  Triple Position, guard the exits, and make sure no one gets in or out.  Lean on Me, you will be the backup for No.1.  Daehwi and I will take overhead cover and drop in with the rescue. "

"Copy that, No. 1 Guanlin, out." 

Your POV

You were blindfolded and untied from your bonds by cold hands as you struggled.  

"Kill them all."  You didn't want to die.  In your mind, as tears sprang from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks, you saw Taeyong smiling.  You saw him laughing, his soft eyes as bright as the stars.  It felt like ages since you had seen him last. 

From somewhere near you, you heard your friend, Daniel, "Don't give in, Y/N!" he yelled as you were dragged away.  

There was the sound of rough voices.

"Jin-Young has picked up on movement outside the complex."

The thought of help and rescue made your heart beat faster.  Perhaps there was hope after all.

You prayed for safety, that you wouldn't be killed with a possible rescue so close by, but heard the gunshots outside. 

"We are taking fire!" You heard someone shout, "it's Wanna One!"

The hands of your captor tightened around your wrist and you yelped in pain as you were dragged backward.  Wherever you were being taken, they were trying to make sure that you weren't getting out alive.  

"Get a move on it, sister." You shuddered at the sound of BamBam's voice in your ear, flinching away.  Was this really the brother that you had grown up with?

The gunshots came closer, hurting your ears and you heard your brother cry out.  There were shouts.  Something sharp scraped past your arm and you screamed, trying to squirm out of the grip of your captor as your blindfold fell away to reveal the scene of destruction before your unbelieving eyes.  

Blood and empty shell casings littered the floor, followed by bodies.  Shouts and gunfire erupted from all sides.  In front of you, you saw BamBam, a pool of blood growing around him.  The sight made you feel dizzy as you swayed backward.  

Someone grabbed you from behind pushing you back upright, and you struggled, trying to get away as a soft hand gripped your arm gently.  

"I'm trying to help you," A deep voice said, and you turned to find a tall, handsome man behind you, with his gun drawn.  He pointed and fired past your head and you winced as there was a dull thud.  

"One target acquired, Daehwi, do you have sights on the others?"

The man paused to listen through what seemed to be an earpiece as you both crouched behind some empty crates that provided cover. 

"Try to check the back rooms.  They couldn't be far from here.  Leader, out."

The blood made your head spin as you sat on the ground looking at the aftermath around you, at the bodies of your captors.  Not all of them were dead, but you were afraid to check.  Someone sat down next to you with a first aid kit, gently taking your arm to see the damage where you must have hit a sharp edge in the struggle.

The man that helped you had a small face and a kind smile.  It was only then that you realized that he looked quite familiar.  

"Jinyoung?" The man looked up from the cut on your arm that he was treating.

"Hey, Y/N," He said, giving you a grin that reminded you of sunshine.  After he treated your cuts, he cured your headache with a big hug that made you grin, despite how tired you were.  

From somewhere, there was a high-pitched scream. 

"Main target down!"  From the shadows, you saw another familiar face emerge as he dragged a struggling woman across the floor towards you.  You recognized the man as JiHoon and remembered how he would always wink at you.  

Jinyoung straightened up as did several of the other members, his kind face darkening in stone-cold anger. You knew who the main target was, immediately. Jina Kang.

"We will see what the boss wants to do with her once we find him." You heard Ong say as he approached Jina, his dark eyes fixated on her face in disgust.  You really couldn't blame him for being mad.  After all, she had hurt your friend, her own brother.  

Jina only laughed, "You won't find him," she said, "He will be dead."

Her comment made you angry and you stood up, advancing toward her.  Jina stared at you incredulously as your hand whipped across her face with a sharp crack, leaving behind a red print on her cheek.  Served her right.  It made you feel better.

"How dare you!" You shouted, "I hope you get what you deserve."  You turned away from your enemy.  The girl that had made you suffer so many days in school.  The one that had made you suffer without friends.  The one that had taken away Jisung and Taeyong.  She had tried to ruin your life.  And had, minutes earlier, tried to end your life, too.  You turned away, relieved that she would never be able to hurt you again.

"Y/N!" Someone called out your name and you turned around as Park Jisung, struggling to hold up a ragged Daniel, limped out into the open.  To your relief, Jisung was unhurt.  Daniel, on the other hand-

"Daniel?" You asked, softly while he set him down on the floor.  For some reason, seeing his body made your heart drop to your stomach.  You felt like throwing up. 

Jisung looked as concerned as you did, "He collapsed while we were trying to escape."

Your eyes prickled with tears as you leaned over, searching for a pulse.  You were only met with silence.  

There was an instant where you were certain that he would open his eyes, where you were sure that he would smile and say something witty.  Where he would wake up and hug you.  

There was the one rainy day that you could remember only now when you were in bed, sick, and he had skipped to bring you a homecooked meal and to keep you company.  There was the one day that you also remembered when you had sprained your ankle when you had fallen off your bike and he had found you and carried you home on his back.  There was one day. One day. A day- when you could see his smile and know that you always had a friend by your side. 

"No, no, no!" You heard yourself crying out as you bent over in sobs.  You cradled his body in your arms, not wanting to believe reality.

It couldn't be.  All those times-  All the moments when he had made you laugh when you were feeling down.  His jokes and his smile that was like the sun.  His courage and motivation that kept you out of trouble.  Your best friend, the someone that you could trust to tell all your secrets and all of your troubles-

All those moments

-were now gone.

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