10- Enemy

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Your POV

When he kissed you so suddenly, you were surprised and a little scared because you had a boyfriend that kissed you, too.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked, gently pushing Taeyong away.  His eyes looked sad in the glimmer of the street lights.  Taeyong didn't answer you and looked at the ground, instead.

You felt bad as he then turned away and walked down the street alone, towards the parking garage and so you followed him until he reached his car, wanting to know more about who he was. 

He turned around and looked at you before he got in his car. And there, you dared to ask him.

"Why did you do that when you know?"

"Because," he said, "Because you should know that I love you more than anything else.  Because you should know that you will be mine, one day."

It made you mad that he dared to say that to you, that you would be his, and so you turned on your heels and began to walk away, wanting to run back to Jisung because you felt like you belonged with him.

"Y/N." You turned back to face the boy with that red hair that you now hated, but really couldn't because he had saved your life and Jisung's.  

"I will see you, tomorrow. And by the way, Jisung might like you now, but he might like someone else, too." How could he say that? Your curiosity was peaked and you decided that maybe you could ask him one more question that still burned in your mind, but he had already closed the door.  Then the engine turned on and he drove away, red tail lights glowing in the dark. 

You walked back to the hospital entrance, where you sat and watched the rain as it fell on the windows, rolling down like the tears that you wanted to spill.  What did Taeyong mean when he said that Jisung, your boyfriend, might like someone else?  You were confused and flustered, unsure of what to do. 

"If it isn't Y/N." You turned around at the sound of a very familiar voice, one that made your blood run cold. She wore an expensive-looking pink dress and she looked prettier than the last time that you had seen her, the best friend that had stolen your high school sweetheart.  She was the classic beauty, with long black hair that fell in voluminous curls, clear satin skin, and a thin elegant figure, but her eyes were still as cold as you remembered. 

"You are still as ugly as I remember, fatty." Her voice cut into you like a knife, "And stay away from Jisung.  He is mine."

You rolled your eyes, glaring, "Jina, if you dare take one step in his direction, I swear your blood will be on the floor." Jina laughed coldly.

"And by the way," she said, her flowering voice filled with malice, "stay away from my brother."

"What brother?" You asked confused.  You thought she was lying because she had always lied to you when you were friends with her.

Jina narrowed her eyes at you, "You are so stupid, Y/N, dear.  Stay away from Taeyong because you are a freak."

Taeyong's POV

When he got back to the apartment, he noticed a change.  There was a pile suitcases by the door.  He cautiously checked one of the many tags and then groaned, cursing.  Why was she even here?  It really wasn't like they were related anymore.  Jina Kang was his stepsister, but a distant one.  And one that he thought was the most annoying and spoiled living being on the planet.  They used to be best friends when they were little kids, but then she and her father had moved away, leaving his mother and a child that she had to take care of without much money. His mother died a few years later, leaving him to take care of himself when he was still in primary school.  He had then gone to live with his grandmother. 

Taeyong had found his stepsister, again, when he was in high school, only to find that she had changed drastically.  Her father now was the CEO of a large company that made millions of dollars.  He had watched her torment Y/N and realized that how much she had changed, that nothing would be the same between them and decided not to talk to her ever, even when she had prodded him about living with his stepfather.  Jina had tried to appear so nice to him, but Taeyong knew that she really was a monster. 

She is such a brat.

Taeyong looked over the pile of suitcases, wishing that they had never appeared in the first place.  He didn't even know how she had found out where he lived. 

There was the sound of keys outside the door.  Taeyong stiffened as he thought he could smell the cloying scent of perfume that seemed to waft through the walls.  The door opened seconds later. 

"Isn't it the darling Taeyong," he heard his stepsister coo as she enveloped him in a hug.  Taeyong pulled away, annoyed.

"Why are you here, Jina?" He asked.  Jina beamed with that false smile of hers.

"Why I am here for a little- visit, little brother."

"Don't call me that," he growled, "What brother do you have, anymore?" Jina only clucked her tongue as if she were a doting mother, not that he thought of her as one that any child should have to deal with.

"What attitude.  I bet that Y/N has thought that she taught you well." Her comment made Taeyong's blood simmer with anger. 

"And what right do you have to say that?"

The smile disappeared, replaced by another that made his skin prickle.  Jina walked towards him, her warm eyes dark.  Then she leaned over, the stench of her perfume overwhelming his senses as she whispered into his ear.  Taeyong flinched at the words.

"Don't go near Y/N, again. Or you will die."


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