12- Candy Bar

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Your POV

You didn't really know how you felt but you knew you suddenly felt better, maybe because you knew that you could really count on Taeyong being by your side.  And you felt even better when he cuddled with you in bed, him whispering sweet nothings in your ear and singing a quiet lullaby until you, warm and comfortable in his arms, fell asleep.  

In the morning, you stretched and yawned, lazily in your bed, reaching out to find him gone.  Disappointed, you rubbed your eyes, rolled over, and got up, your nose suddenly perking up as you smelled food.  He stood in what you could barely call a kitchen head over the stove cooking something delicious. When you walked over to wrap your arms around him, he yelped in surprise but then quickly smiled, those dark and mysterious eyes capturing you and holding you captive.  

Taking a peak at what he was cooking made you hungry as the smell of spices wafted through the air.  

Taeyong, you found out, was a very good cook, as you watched him add this and that of ingredients that seemingly appeared at his fingertips as if by magic.  You didn't even know how he could have room for all the ingredients he was using.  

"You could open your own restaurant!" You exclaimed after you had savored the first bite of breakfast.  Kimchijeon, was about to become your new morning breakfast favorite.  

Taeyong watched you as you ate your breakfast happily, and when you noticed that he wasn't eating anything, he let you feed him a pancake because you didn't want him to be hungry.  He was cute when he ate food.  

It was a weekend, so you didn't have too much to do, but then you realized that you had a shift to work at the convenience store in an hour so you had to leave.  Taeyong promised to stick around until you were done, then went over to your bed and curled up under the covers, and you wished that you could curl up with him instead.

You cringed when you saw a now blond-haired Jisung at the counter, finishing up his morning shift and pretended to ignore him, but you couldn't help but notice the dark circles that now imprinted themselves below his eyes or how pale and sallow he looked.  Nor did you fail to notice his dull eyes following you as you rushed past to drop your stuff off in the back room.  

It had been a long time since you had ever talked to him, and most of the time, you had either ignored him or he avoided you around the campus.  It also used to hurt every time you saw him with Jina, but now, you didn't really feel anything towards him but sympathy because he had to deal with that menace 24/7 a day.  The last news that you had heard about them was that she had booked a flight to New York with him, but he had been failing his classes recently, so they had to cancel the plans so that he could get his grades up.  In fact, it surprised you that Jisung had been failing his classes because he never failed his classes in the time that you knew him.

Oh, how time can fly past and how people change.

As you were organizing paperwork in the back room, you heard the bell over the entrance announced another customer and began hearing voices as they filtered through the door of the room.  You quietly opened the door a crack to listen when you heard arguing.  One of the voices was Jisung's.

"...I don't care...Y/N...friends...you are not right...why did I ever...I never wanted this...it's over."

There was also a girl's voice, but it didn't take you long to figure out who it was by the exasperated and whiney tone, "...never say her name...you are sooo pathetic...like I care...why don't you care about me..." you heard Jina Kang say.  Just hearing her self-centered remarks made your blood boil because she was still talking to someone that perhaps she never even cared about.

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