17- Fear

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Jisung's POV

Jisung waited, his sweaty palms shaking as he turned to face the headlights of the black van that had just pulled over to the side of the empty street.  

A hand with a gun pointed directly at his chest, "Get in the van."

He complied, stumbling clumsily over his long legs as he was pulled in.  The door slid shut and the engine hummed back to life, almost making him fall over as the driver hit the gas with a squealing of rubber on cement.  The van shot into the night.

Jisung squinted into the darkness, trying to make out the faces of the men around him.  All of them were stylishly-dressed in black.  The man with the gun, obviously the leader,  motioned to one of the others, "Jin-young, tie his wrists behind his back."  One of the men stood up, Jin-young, and promptly tied Jisung's wrists together as ordered.  Then he sat back down in the darkness. 

"Do you know who we are, kid?" The leader with the gun asked.  In the darkness, Jisung could just make out his facial features.  Black hair cut in a mullet, angular eyes and a stone-cold stare that sent shivers up his spine.  


The man looked at Jisung, curiously, and then in a low growl, "We are Got7, enemies of Wanna One."

Jisung gulped.  Got7 was known as a growing influence aside from Wanna One.  He had seen them on TV before when he was younger, but up close, they were more intimidating than he thought.  

The rest of the ride, they sat in silence, but he couldn't help but fear what was going to happen once they reached their destination.  What if they killed him? What if they didn't release Y/N? What if he was kept hostage, too? What if-

The van stopped abruptly, almost making him jump out of his skin with a yelp.  

"We are here."

No kidding.

"Blindfold him."  Jisung shivered as one of the members tied a length of cloth around his eyes.  Then he was helped out of the van.  There was the sound of crunching gravel under his feet, and then silence as he was guided to a stop.  One of the men whispered something and there was a screech of metal.  Instantly, the atmosphere changed.  They must have arrived.  

"Oh my God, Jisung?" He heard the familiar voice that echoed off the walls.  Wherever they were, the place must have been big.  

And empty, too.  There will be nowhere to hide or run out of sight.

"Is that you, Y/N?"

"Yes! Why are you here?"

"I was told to come here." He thought he heard Y/N crying.  

"You shouldn't be here.  You should have stayed with Taeyong."

But I couldn't.  This is for you.

There was the sharp sound of heels against concrete.  He could hear them. Click. Click. Click. Click. Y/N went silent with nothing more than a whimper.

"So he came.  Did you search him well?" It was all Jisung could do not to break free and strangle Jina.

"How could you, Jina?" He shouted, "How?"

"How?" Her cold voice was icy, "I can because I have the power to do what I want.  And Y/N was in the way."

"He has been searched before we came here," he heard one of the members say.  Too bad they didn't search well enough.  Had they looked closer, they would have found the tracking device that was hidden behind his ear.  

The cloying scent of perfume neared, making him want to choke.  He felt Jina's cold hands grab his arm, her long manicured nails digging into his flesh as she pulled him closer to him.  Then her lips against his.  

Jisung pulled away, stumbling out of Jina's grip, "You," He seethed, "-You are disgusting."

Her laugh pierced the air making his blood run cold, "And you. You thought you could lead your friends to this location." 

Jisung's blindfold fell away as he gazed at the small tracking device in the palm of Jina's hand.  She dropped the chip and crushed it with her heel.  

Then with only a sideways glance at the men behind her, she began to walk away

"Kill him.  Kill them all."

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