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"Nora no it's to dangerous!" Harlequin shouted at his older sister. He hated the humans and they could do anything to her while she was away because he wouldn't be there to protect her. Family was everything to him and he did not want any harm to befall one of his family members.

"Come on Quin!" Elleanora giggled as flew around her brother. Nora understood why he was so worried, as the fairy realm had ill memories of the humans but despite all of those memories, she was so interested in seeing the human world. Plus her love and best friend Helbram was going and she didn't want to be apart from him. "Helbram will be there to protect me if anything should happen!" She smiled brightly before landing in front of her brother, King of the fairy realm.

"And you know I'd never let anything happen to her Harlequin" A new voice made the two siblings turn to see a green haired fairy flying over to the two of them. Nora's smile grew large at the sight of the new fairy before rushing over and jumping into his arms as soon as his feet landed on the rock the two siblings were speaking on. The two of them nuzzled into each other as if they hadn't seen each other in years. After a minute ignorant to the world around them, the two lovers split apart to turn and face Harlequin who looked annoyed at the couple and slightly uncomfortable.

"Because that makes me feel better" Harlequin mumbled to himself. It wasn't that the fairy king disliked the fact that his best friend and his older sister were together, he was happy for the two of them even but Nora was still his sister and he would always be protective over her. "If you let anything happen to Nora.." Harlequin started but Helbram jumped in.

"You'll kill me yourself I know. I've only heard it a thousand times before." Helbram grinned at his best friend. The green haired fairy turned to the ginger fairy besides him. "We better get going"

"Say bye to Elaine for me!! I shouldn't be to long!" Nora shouted as she was already a few yards in the air. The two friends looked at each other surprised and confused at how she could have flown so quickly without either of them noticing she had gone. In the end Helbram shrugged his shoulders before flying after his lover.

"I will!!" Harlequin waved at her.

'That was the last time I saw my siblings and the fairy realm.'

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