Chapter Six

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"I think you should stay here Nora" Elizabeth told Nora as she had started to follow everyone outside. Meliodas had just assigned jobs to everyone as they had just arrived in the town that supposable held King. Nora had planned on following Ban but he had rushed off before she could even think of following which made her choose to follow the others.

"Elizabeth's right. You are still healing, it will be safer for you to stay here" Meliodas told Nora before turning and leaving the tavern.

Nora sighed deflated and slowly lowered herself to the steps of the tavern. Despite the fact she knew she should stay and heal, she still wanted to help them do whatever it was that they were doing. The fairy had zoned out as Meliodas had been assigning jobs to everyone so in reality, Nora knew nothing about what was going on. All she knew was that something was off about the 'town' they were in and that king was meant to be here. As much as Nora wanted to disobey the others and search the town, she choose to stay and clean up after Ban who had left the kitchen a mess.

The fairy slowly and carefully stood from her spot on the steps before she went inside. It took a little bit as she was testing herself to see how much weight she could handle. By the time she was finished cleaning she could nearly stand completely without flying. By the time the others had returned with two little kids, she could stand completely.

"Ban ban! Look I can stand without flying!" Nora smiled proudly as she walked over to his side.

"That's great" Ban smiled at Nora. Ban had to admit to himself that he cared about Nora a lot and seeing her heal made him smile. "I need to cook some food for these two" he told her before walking to the kitchen. Nora sat down at the table that held the two kids and Elizabeth as she and Meliodas were asking them questions. The fairy wasn't really paying attention even though she should be. Her mind seemed to wander back to how the fairy realm must be after all this time.

"Nora we should go change your bandages" Elizabeth stood up. Nora snapped out of her day dream and stood up not wanting to fight with her.

The two girls walked up the steps and went into a bedroom that Nora had woken up in. While Elizabeth was getting a bowl and new bandages, Nora sat down on the bed and glanced out the window with a smile on her lips. The sun didn't shine very bright here but it was still more sun that she has gotten in a very long time. She just hoped that it didn't get taken away from her again.

"Elizabeth" Nora finally spoke up once Elizabeth had made her way over to her. "Why are you traveling around with the seven deadly sins?" She looked over the human female in front of her. Nora only knew what Ban had told her about the seven deadly sins as well as what she had over heard from the Holy knights over the last 6 years however she knew enough to know it was strange for a innocent human girl to be traveling with them.

"Well I'm actually helping sir Meliodas find all of the seven deadly sins" Elizabeth started. She had kneeled down in front of Nora but had paused in what she was doing. "You see things have gotten out of control with the Holy knights and they turned their backs on my father. I knew the seven deadly sins were innocent and would be the only ones who could defeat the corrupted Holy knights and free my father and sisters."

"Who is your father?" Nora asked feeling sorry for the young girl. Having your family taken and hidden from Nora was something she could relate to.

"King Bartra Liones" Elizabeth told Nora. Hearing the last name Liones, Nora's eyes darkened as she glared at the floor. Elizabeth seemed to notice the sudden change of Nora quickly and looked at her concerned "Nora is something wrong?"

"Get out" Nora spoke quickly through her teeth as she didn't want to snap at Elizabeth. It wasn't right for her to snap at this innocent girl for something her ancestor did but Nora couldn't help the anger that started to build inside her.

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