Chapter Seven

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(The outfit in the picture is what Nora normally wore in the Fairy realm meaning she is wearing that in the first two flashbacks)

"Helbram's dead Nora" King repeated after a moment of silence. Nora stood shell shocked as she heard the two words that broke her heart again. When her brother first said them she thought..she hoped she had misheard him but when he said the words again tears started to build in her eyes but none of them dared to fall. As Nora struggled with her emotions, the wind started to pick up around the two fairy siblings.

"How..?" Nora managed to whisper. She glanced towards the water for a moment before looking back at her brother who looked conflicted. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she could almost see gears in his head begin to move. What ever was about to come out of his mouth was a lie and she could already tell.

"I..i dont know" Harlequin struggled to get words out. He couldn't tell her the truth about him killing Helbram himself as it would break her heart. He hated the fact he was the one to end his best friend already and he didn't want his sister to hate him too. "I found his body with some other fairies from the group you left with."

"Liar" Nora protested as the wind started to pick up around the siblings, causing Nora's long ginger hair to whip around violently. "He's alive! He has to be." She yelled at Harlequin. She slowly started to rise into the air and she wrapped her arms around her body as she tried to keep herself together. Helbram was her first and only love and to think she will never be in his arms again, never see his smile again, it sent tears falling down her pale cheeks.

'"I can't believe we are finally in the human world!" Helbram grinned widely as he flew around the cart that they had brought from the fairy realm.

"I know! I cant wait to see all that this world has to offer!" Nora giggled as she flew up to the green haired fairy. She grabbed his hands and the two of them spun around until they both dizzily fell into the grass near the road they had been traveling on. The other fairies who had joined them, watched and laughed at their two leaders.

"Elle" Nora picked up her head and looked over at Helbram. He was the only one to ever call her by that nickname, the only person she ever let call her by that name. The green haired fairy was on his side looking down at Nora's face. "What do you know of marriage?"

"Its a human tradition. Because they don't live as long they marry each other to reproduce and such. Why do you ask?" Nora sat up and looked down at the green haired fairy confused. Helbram smiled and laid back against the soft grass and looked up at the day sky.

"I thought the idea was romantic" Helbram started to explain. "Humans do it to be bonded to the person they love for the rest of their life." He glanced back at her "Once we get back to the fairy realm I think we should try it."'

"I'm so sorry" Harlequin joined his older sister in the air and tried to reach out to comfort her. "Calm down everything will be okay I prom.."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" Nora screamed moving away from her brother who looked shocked at her loud voice. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down! You have no idea now much this hurts! How about when you lose your love then you can tell me to calm down!" She cried before turning and flying off into the woods. Branches and roots from the trees grew quickly to close the opening that Nora had flown through moments before.

"NORA!" King started after his sister when a hand reached out and grabbed him by the ankle. "Hey let me go!" King whipped around to see who had stopped him and his expression turned angry when he had seen it was Ban. Knowing that Ban had been as close to Elaine as he had been made him upset enough even though he promised Elaine that he would look out for Ban. But him stopping him from going after his older sister was pushing it. "Let me go Ban!" King struggled against Ban's hold.

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