Chapter Two

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Over the last year, Nora had gotten use to the new prison cell and was liking it quit a bit more then the last one she had been in. While she was here at least they fed her once a day and she wasn't left in compete silence again. Even if she would some times get tortured by the holy knight in the purplish armor, her hopes of ever getting out of here and returning back to the fairy realm had returned to her.

Today started out like any other day in the prison. The knights who guarded her door would make small talk with each other but never talked to her or answered any of her questions. However later that same day there were suddenly a lot more knights and even holy knights down in the hall way. It was a strange sight seeing as she had been the only prisoner in that hallway for the past year. She tried to listen to everything they were talking about but most of it was jumbled mumbles. She wiggled around slightly and leaned forward as she heard the knight who always tortured her in the cell next to hers.

"Seven deadly sins Fox sin of greed" The man smirked, or Nora guessed he did, as he stood in the cell next to hers. The next thing that happened was the sound of a lot of torturing and it made tears come to her eyes. She hated when other people got hurt near her, even if she didn't know who they were. The torturing went on for hours until the holy knight finally seemed to get bored and left the cells.

"Are you okay" Nora asked softly trying not to get yelled at by the knights. She had a feeling that prisoners weren't meant to speak to one another. However she bit her lip at how stupid her question sounded. Of course he wasn't alright. She knew how powerful that holy knight can be.

"Yeah.." Nora's head shot up at the sound of the rough voice in the cell next to hers. So he was a male then. "I've had a lot worse"

"I'm glad" Nora smiled softly as she rested her head against her arm that was chained to the wall above her. "My name is Elleanora but people back home called me Nora" she told him. She wasn't sure why she was talking to him, well that was a lie. It had been so long since someone had replied to her that she wanted to keep talking and try to feel normal or as normal as she could while being chained to a cold dungeon wall.

"The names Ban" Ban told her as he shifted making his chains rattle. He sounded slightly bitter but Nora just brushed it off thinking that he was bitter about being trapped and tortured. "What did you do to get stuck in that cell?" he asked.

"I don't know" Nora spoke after a few minutes of silently thinking over the events that lead her to be locked up all those years ago. "I remember leaving my home with...Helbram and a few others and then these humans captured us. Most were killed, some of us had their wings slowly ripped off...while I was locked had been so many years now I don't honestly know how many" Nora struggled to keep talking through her tears. The images of her kind getting killed or having their wings ripped from them would always be imprinted into her mind and talking about it for the first time was bringing up some repressed emotions.

"Wings.." Nora heard Ban say quietly over her light sobs. "Are you a fairy Nora?" Nora's eyes widened slightly as she was surprised at how he seemed to know what she was by just a little detail. However she still nodded her head to only realize that he wouldn't be able to see her.

"Yeah" Nora told him as she glanced towards the wall that was between them. Ban sounded human so how did he know anything about her kind. She figured that after the group and she went missing that Harlequin would never let another fairy see a human again.

"Did you know..." Ban started talking but stopped for a few moments. He seemed to be fighting with himself on rather or not he should ask her. "Did you know Elaine?"

Nora's eyes widened at the sudden name drop of her beloved little sister Elaine. There was a chance that he was talking about someone else but as far as she knew, her sister was the only fairy named Elaine. The fact that a random human seemed to be asking about her sister didn't bother her at the moment as her heart started to beat faster as she prayed that it was her little sister he was asking about and that she was okay.

"You know my sister?! Please tell me she is alright?" Nora struggled against her chains that held her tightly against the wall. When ban didn't say a word, Nora realized what that meant. "No...NO!!" Nora screamed as tears harshly fell down her cheeks. The fairy started to thrash around pulling against her chains, thick red blood started to slowly roll its way down her thin pale arms. The memories of her last day in the fairy realm flooded back to her.

"Say bye to Elaine for me!! I shouldn't be to long!"

"I didn't even get to say goodbye" Nora cried as she lost her strength and fell against the wall panting. "Elaine I'm so sorry"

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