Chapter Eight

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The walk back to the group was very quiet. Nora was still mourning her lost love and Ban could tell she didn't want to talk at all, so he kept silent until she wanted to speak. About half way there Nora suddenly stopped and looked down at the ground. She remembered that Harlequin had lied to her when he told her about Helbrum. She could tell by how he paused when she asked how he was killed.

"Ban" Nora's soft and broken voice filled the silence making Ban stop walking as well. He turned and looked back at her, he had made it about 10 feet ahead of her when she finally spoke after stopping.

"Yeah what is it?" Ban asked tilting his head to the side and looked at her. The way she spoke just then reminded him so much of Elaine that he almost had to double take when he looked back to her.

"Why do you think Quin lied when he said he didn't know how he was killed?" The ginger fairy looked up from the ground in front of her to Ban who was walking back to her with his hands in the red leather jeans he was wearing.

"I don't know. Probably because he didn't think you needed to know the truth." Ban told her looking towards where the boar hat was located. "He is dead. Do you need to know why?"

"If someone told you that Elaine was killed and lied about how she died wouldn't you be upset?" Nora protested knowing what the answer already was. When Ban looked back at her with a stone face but emotion filled eyes she didn't even have to let him answer. "I can't just drop the fact that I have no idea how he died. Without knowing the truth how can I be sure he is dead. How can I start to feel anything but empty until I know how Helbrum died? He was my first and only love Ban. When I was captured and held for so many years, all I could think about was going back to the fairy realm and being pulled into a hug by Helbrum, Elaine and Quin! When you told me Elaine was gone I started to break.. Now I find out Helbrum is gone as well.. What was the point of even getting rescued when I have lost everyone" she held herself tightly and felt tears roll down her cheek. The trees around her shook as if unhappy that she was sad. Suddenly a hand was placed on her shoulder making her pause and look up to meet Ban's gaze.

"You haven't lost everyone." He told her. "You still have king, you have me now. You have the rest of the deadly sins by your side now. None of us are going to let anything happen to you ever again." He locked eyes with the crying fairy. She slightly shook as she took in all of Bans words. "King will tell you the truth eventually. For now just charish those you have now."

Nora threw her arms around his neck with the help of her wings and cried into his neck. She was so focused on people that she had lost, she never thought about who she had by her side now. It was true she would always be broken because of her loss of her sister and her first love but maybe with the help of everyone she could feel less broken. After a moment or two Nora finally released Ban and flew back a few feet drying her eyes and cheeks.

"You are right. Thank you" she smiled brightly at Ban which made a small smile of his own come to his lips.

"Come on" he smirked before turning around and started walking again.

Nora landed and walked after Ban towards the Boar hat and the others. It took about five more minutes to finally make it back and the others were sitting around a fire. The fairy looked at them all and smiled when she saw Quin blushing about something that the giantness had said. He seemed happy with the group which made her happy. However the moment was stopped when Ban stepped on a stick as he walked out of the woods and everyone turned towards them.

"Nora" King flew over to his sister and pulled her into a tight hug. "I am so sorry" he whispered as he hugged her tightly.

"It's okay" she smiled softly and pulled away from him after a moment. "I'll always miss him..and Elaine but they both would have wanted us to live our lives the best we could. Don't you think?" She gave him a closed eyed smile which made him hug her again even tighter.

The next day

"Nora come here!" Nora flew down the steps when she heard her brother call for her from the main area of the bar.

"What is it?" Nora asked noticing King was holding something behind his back.

"I made you some clothes" King said as he moved his hands from behind his back and in front of him. Her eyes widened and a smile came to her lips. "I will not have you wearing that..thing" he said talking about the slightly small uniform that the captain had given her. She walked over and took the pile of clothing only to stop when a familiar feeling of silk was placed on her hand. She flipped over the pile quickly to see her pink coat made from the silk of tree back in the fairy realm. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him. "When I went searching for you guys I found it with the others.. I hoped that I would see you again so I always carried it with me." King smiled at her.

"Thank you!" Nora hugged him before flying to the nearest bathroom. She quickly changed into the new clothes and happily shrugged on the coat from her old life and pulled it close to her and smelled it. It somehow always smelt like the fairy realm no matter now dirty it got. She was happy that it still did. She was also happy that the clothes seemed to fit her perfectly even after so many years of being away from King. She came out of the bathroom and twilled around in front of everyone.

"You look great Nora!" She heard Elizabeth say making Nora smile brightly.

"It feels great being out of that uniform!"

(Her clothing is the picture but instead of the blue coat it is the same pink one from the chapter or two before this one.)

(PS: I know it has been forever since I have wrote anything for this book but I am working on that! I have a problem with writing a lot of chapters at once then getting major writers block and sometimes never finishing the story so I am trying to finish all of the stories I have on here! Love everyone who has enjoyed this book! Hope you continue to enjoy it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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