Chapter Three

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Five years later


A pain filled scream echoed through the stoned walls of Baste Prison. It wasn't an uncommon sound for this hallway as the only two prisons in that hall were tortured almost everyday. The fox sin Ban took most of the torture he seemed to be the favorite play thing for the purple holy knight. However the screaming happening right now clearly belonged to the the fairy.

"That should teach you to keep your mouth shut" The purple holy knight, who Nora had heard from Ban was named Jude, wiped Nora again with a long vine wipe which seemed to be his favorite to use on the fairy. Nora only got tortured when she would shout for Jude to stop hurting Ban, which happened at least once a day.

The fox sin and fairy had grown very close after the last five years of being in neighboring cells. At first Ban was bitter and tried to ignore Nora as he didn't want to get close to her, however after the second time she screamed for Jude to stop hurting him, Ban lost all strength to keep silent. There were to many similarities between Elaine and Nora to keep Ban away. They bonded mostly with stories of Nora's homeland and stories about Ban's adventures.

"Holy knight Golgius is looking for you sir" A knight poked his head into the darkish cell. The knight didn't look excited to he interrupting Jude's playtime.

"Very well" Jude scuffed before leaving the room without another word and slammed the door shut limiting the lights.

"Nora?" Ban whispered over to the fairy girl. Nora opened her eyes and turned her head slowly to face the wall that was between the two of them. Blood covered Nora's fresh wounds and her body burned. All he said was her name but she knew what he was asking.

"I'm okay" Nora forced a smiled even though Ban couldn't see her. "I'm just not immortal so it will take some time to catch my breath" Nora joked. After a second she could hear Ban chuckle at her comment.

"Are you sure you aren't immortal? You fairies seemed to live forever" Ban commented which made the forced smile drop from Nora's face. Before either of them could talk again the knights that stood in front of the doors started talking about something.

"Do you want to bet who will win?" The knight on the left asked.

"What are you talking about?" The knight on the right asked.

"The weird fangs and the seven deadly sins are fighting in town right now" The first one said. That made both the fairy and Ban perk up and started listening more. They most have been coming to rescue Ban and Nora knew that Ban wouldn't leave her behind.

"Well its not much of a fight. I heard the sins are only down to their captain and one other member" The second one spoke.

"The captains alive is he now" Ban smirked as the sound of chains breaking could be heard. Nora picked up her head and watch the wall confused at what was happening.

Suddenly the sound of a lot of heavy metal hit the floor harshly shook the hallway and the sound of chains moving could be heard faintly from where Nora was chained. Nora tugged at her chains to try and get closer to the door to hear what was going on but her chains didn't budge one bit. The sound of ban outside of the cell made the fairy perk up even more then she was. The fairy wasn't paying attention to the fight going on outside as she knew she didn't have to worry to much about Ban as he was immortal. However Nora was pulling at her chains as harshly as she could which only caused blood to trickle down her arms. She had limited powers that she had mastered before her capture however all of her powers were natured based and the fact that she was so weak, she couldn't use her powers to get free.


The door was kicked off its hinges and flew to the side of the cell. Nora's head snapped up to meet the ruby eyes of her saviour, the Seven deadly sins Fox sin of greed BAN.

"Ban" Nora tried to pull herself up but she had failed again and fell against the wall.

"Careful" Ban smirked as he walked over and effortlessly broke the shackles around her four limbs. He swiftly picked her up and moved her onto his back, holding her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It would be easier for Ban to fight while holding her like this then bridal style.

"You could have broken out of here at any time you wanted..couldn't you?" Nora asked as she held on tightly.

"Maybe" Ban started walking.

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