Chapter Five

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Nora rolled to her side pulling the fabric that was on top of her, up to her shoulders. After a few seconds of laying with her eyes closed, the fairy shot up and looked around the room she was in. Her head was pounding slightly and when she looked over her wounds, she found them covered with small bandages.

"Where am I?" Nora whispered to herself as she slowly stood up. However as soon as all her weight were on her legs, she started to fall but she quickly grabbed onto the bed. She slowly made her way over to a window and could only see that they were moving. "What happened?" Nora asked herself as she strained her mind to try and remember.


"I think you and Elizabeth will get along great" Meliodas grinned as the four well five of them, including the pink pig, started making their way away from Baste Dungeon or what was left of it after Ban and Meliodas' fight. 

"Well I'm not totally sure but it will be nice to speak with another female" Nora answered the small blonde. She was kind of nervous around the humans as the only memories she had of them always turned dark but they did try to save them after all. Maybe humans weren't all bad.

"How long were you in the dungeon for?" Diana the giant asked. Nora flew up to be level with her.

"I was at Baste Dungeon for six years but I was in some cells under the kingdom of Liones for a very long time. I don't remember how long I've been gone" Nora told Diana with a weak smile. The fairy didn't really understand it but she was very comfortable with Diana as something about her reminded her of Harlequin.

"That must have been awful" Diana frowned at the fairy.

Nora just smiled at Diana as she didn't want to talk about the past anymore at the moment. Suddenly the fairy felt herself getting weaker and weaker as any strength she had started to leave her.

"Elleanora!" Nora heard Ban call out for her as she started to fall faster then before as she lost her full strength. Ban rushed forward and caught her just in time to keep her from crashing to the ground.


"That's right" Nora opened her eyes and looked out the window again. Nora had used all of her strength flying that she ended up falling and passing out. She tried to walk towards the door but her legs were still to weak to hold her weight, so she flew out of the bedroom and down the steps.

Once she was downstairs she glanced around the room and was surprised to find that they were in a tavern. Nora blinked slightly confused as she also remembered they had been moving when she looked out the window. When she was sure no one was inside, Nora flew out the front door.

"You're awake! Thank goodness!" A feminine voice made Nora turned to see a girl with long greenish white hair. "We were all so worried. My name is Elizabeth and you are Elleanora right?" Elizabeth asked Nora.

"I just needed some rest to get my strength back" Nora smiled softly at Elizabeth. She had a pure soul, which was something that was very hard to come by in humans Nora had learned. She was also very sweet and didn't seem able to hurt a fly. "You can call me Nora Elizabeth. Elleanora is kind of a mouth full" She giggled as she flew around Elizabeth taking in her outfit. "That is a kind of strange outfit" she commented.

"Sir Meliodas gave it to me. Its the boar hats uniform" Elizabeth said.

"Yeah and I have one for you too Nora" Nora jumped at the sudden new voice. She turned to see Meliodas and Ban had joined them. Meliodas was holding up a similar uniform that Elizabeth was wearing.

"Uhh that's okay I'm okay were wearing this" Nora blushed brightly. She only ever wear clothing that her brother had made her. He had tried to teach her once how to make clothing but she wasn't very good at it.

"That?" Ban asked glancing at Nora. Nora was confused but looked down and noticed she was in a torn and a grey dress that was at one point white. It had been the dress she had been wearing when she was captured all those years ago.

"Uh" Nora scratched her cheek as her blush got worse. "I guess I'll take the uniform then"

"Come on I'll show you wear you can change" Eliza grabbed the uniform for her before leading Nora inside.

Nora changed and left the room surprisingly grounded. She was still technically flying but she was putting a little weight on her legs to get use to walking again. The fairy looked down at the uniform with a blush still on her cheeks. The blue skirt was rather short and the pink blouse was so tight against her larger chest that she was forced to leave the first two buttons unbuttoned. She looked around the main room of the tavern and saw that Ban and Meliodas had came inside. Ban seemed to be cooking and Meliodas was sitting at the bar while groping Elizabeth.

"I think this is to small" Nora squeaked softly as she nervously held her arms in front of her chest.

"Here" Elizabeth stood up and wrapped a blueish black scarf around Nora's neck. After moving it around for a bit, the open part of Nora's uniform was covered perfectly by the scarf.

"Thank you" Nora smiled brightly before giving her a small hug.

"Foods ready" Ban said walking out with plates of wonderful smelling food. He set two plates on the bar and two at a near by table before setting Nora down in front of one of the larger plates at the table. "Eat all of it. You need it" Ban ordered her. However that didn't bother Nora one bit. She was to focused on eating the wonderful food in front of her to care about being ordered around.

The sound of light conversation filled the room as the others seemed to be finishing their meal. Nora hasn't spoken since she was give food even though she had finished a minute or two ago. Her eyes were just wandering around the tavern as she was trying to take in the topic of conversation that was happening between Elizabeth, Ban and Meliodas. Something caught the fairies eyes and she flew over to the billboard before ripping off one of the 7 papers that were hanging there.

"What is it Nora?" Meliodas was suddenly standing besides her making Nora jump slightly.

"It's just" Nora looked at Meliodas then back at the paper in her hands. "This is king?" she asked lowering herself so Meliodas could see the paper. Nora was about the same height as him if she wasn't flying.

"Mhm" Meliodas hummed after looking over her shoulder at King's wanted poster. "Do you know him?"

"Uh well..I don't think so" Nora shook her head confused. There was something about the wanted poster that made her think of Harlequin but the person on it looked nothing like her brother. "Maybe I knew him before I was captured" She laughed it off before hanging up the paper again. She had to have known this king person unless he was born after she was taken. Being the sister to the fairy king, Nora knew every fairy from the realm and every fairy knew her.

"Well king isn't his real name, that's just what we call him." Meliodas told Nora which made her look over at him as if waiting for him to tell her what his real name was. "He real name is..."

"We're here!" Hawk squealed cutting off Meliodas. Nora was slightly sad that she didn't learn King's real name but she was sure she would learn it soon enough.

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