Chapter One

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Elleanora sat in a dark cell near the very back of the dungeons underneath the kingdom of Liones. She had been captured and brought to that very cell so many years ago and to make matters worse, Nora didn't even know how many years had passed. There use to be many visitors coming down to see one of the royal fairy siblings but as the years began to pass and new generations of holy knights come and go, the fact that the fairy was still in the dungeons seemed to have been lost to the humans. It didn't bother Nora that she had been forgotten by the humans. Despite the fact she didn't get any natural light into her cell nor any food to keep strong, she preferred to have been forgotten by them instead of gawked at by them. Besides she had a few mice friends who would bring her something to eat or drink but it was only ever enough not to die of starvation or thirst. As the years passed, Nora grew weaker and weaker along with any hope of ever seeing her loved ones or even the sky ever again.

The darkness and silence was soon replaced by the echoing sounds of heavy armor clanging together, two voices and a torch. The first thought that came to Nora's mind was that they were just some wondering knights and didn't think much of the sounds. However when the sounds stopped for a moment before starting again only to be heading right to her cell, she got a bit excited to have visitors and silently prayed that it was her brother or Helbram. Nora looked up at the two holy knights in front of her and any excitement or hope that she once had was dwindled again.

"Huh how is she even still alive. No one has been to this part of the dungeons in well forever" One of the knights asked confused. When the two were told to come down here and retrieve a prisoner, they thought the grand master was lying. Sure there were rumors about a fairy girl in the darkest parts of the dungeons but all the holy knights just figured they were just that, rumors.

"Does it matter? Grand Master Hendrickson wants us to bring her to Baste Dungeon" The second holy knight scuffed as he pulled open the cell door after unlocking it. He grabbed her chains that were loosely around her tiny wrists and gave them a firm tug as an attempt to make her stand, however due to the hundreds of years of not really standing and the lack of real food, the knight ended up just tugging her forward and made her fall on to her hands and knees. Seeing this the first knight took pity on the weak fairy and instead of dragging her after them, he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatos.

Nora didn't mind getting man handled at this moment. She was finally out of the small cramped cell she had been trapped in for many many years now. Even if she was getting transferred to another prison cell somewhere else, she was grateful for the change.

It didn't take long for the holy knights to reach the surface and to step into the sunlight. The fairy shielded her eyes for a few moments before she could finally handle the brightness. The warmth of the sun beating down against Nora's pale soft skin made her smile for the first time in a long time. However the warmth was quickly taken away as she was taken inside another building. Inside Nora was set down on her feet, she struggled to stand for a couple of seconds before she tumbled down to her knees.

"Kind of pathetic" Nora heard a female holy knights voice. She bit her tongue sharply to keep any harsh words from leaving her mouth. "Alright how boring lets go" The same knight spoke again before grabbing onto Nora's slim shoulder. Suddenly the room they were in was gone and replaced with another jail cell. As soon as the two of them arrived there, the female knight vanished again, leaving Nora to be chained up against the wall by a few knights.

"From now on you are my prisoner" A holy knight with purplish armor spoke to her. Nora looked to the helmet of the armor to see the face looked like it had been vined over.

"What's your name?" Nora spoke softly only to scream moments later. A purple metal thorn stuck out of her right hand.

"It doesn't matter." He told her in a monotoned voice. "Better get comfy, you aren't going anywhere" He laughed as he left the room.

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