Chapter Four

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Ban walked down hallway after hallway trying to find his way out of the prison. Luckily for them most of the knights had left to deal with the battle that had seemed to be going on outside. Nora nuzzled her head into his neck as she tried to rest, however it wasn't working very well as her wounds burned.

"Are we almost there yet?" Nora asked softly and with her head nuzzled deep into his neck, it came out muffled.

"Yeah" Ban answered her simply even if he wasn't sure if they were close or not. He knew she was looking for just a confident answer not the truth.

The two of them fell silent for the rest of the walk as they didn't need to talk to find comfort in each other. The hall way seemed to get lighter and Ban started walking in that direction to come to an opening with two people standing there. Nora picked up her head to see a human looking man, a female giant and a pink pig. Ban came to a stop and set Nora gently onto the cold stone floor before walking forward keeping eye contact with the man in front of him. The man was short with wild blonde hair and sharp green eyes. The seven deadly sin Dragon Sin, Meliodas.

"BAAAANNN!" Meliodas threw his hands up in the air and smiled as he shouted for his best friend. Nora blinked confused at the interaction between the two team mates.

"CAPTAIN!!" Ban followed in suit.



The two best friends seemed to be having a play fight. The floor started to rumble and Nora flew over to the female giant and the pink pig. She didn't have a lot of strength but she didn't think it was very safe where she had been before.

"Are they going to be okay?" The pink asked the giant seemingly concerned.

The giant just watched saying something about old times as the two fighting males seemed to be causing the whole prison to fall apart. Nora grabbed onto the pig to make sure he didn't get trapped under any stone. The fight ended as the prison finally came to the ground and it seemed ban and Meliodas were completely unharmed. Nora set down the pig and flew over to Ban.

"Shouldn't we be running away now?" Nora asked as she lowered herself nearly to the ground. Her toes were just an inch off the ground but no weight was on her weak legs.

"Whose this?" Meliodas asked as he was standing in front of Nora and squeezed her breast a few times. Nora screamed, slapping his hands away from her before flying behind Ban.

"This is Elleanora. She's from the fairy realm" Ban told his captain as they started to leave.

"Oh so like king!" Meliodas said.

"King?" Nora blinked surprised that Meliodas knew someone from the fairy realm and that Ban didn't tell her about this person.

"Yeah you will meet him soon. We are going to get him next if you come with us" The blonde told her. Nora thought about it for a long moment. She honestly should be heading back to the fairy realm as to find her brother and hopefully Helbram but she also didn't want to leave Ban so soon.

"Why don't you stay with us until we find King" Ban told her without looking back at her with his hands on the back of his head. Nora could tell that there was more to that statement that Ban had let on. Maybe this king was important.

"I suppose I could" Nora said shyly as she flew next to ban instead of behind him. Ban smirked at her before looking forward again.

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