Become (Obi x Reader)

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(From the anime Snow WHite With the Red Hair)

(CLothing above is your normal outfit)

   I was born the perfect human through magic. But ever since I had heard of the misgivings of the world, I had hated myself for being their distorted version of perfect. I had bright (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that were.. strange to say the least. My eyes had caused men to go mad, women to fall into eternal despair, and.... it had caused my alienation from society. This being noted, not everyone was caused madness through my strange eyes. In fact, they empowered some. Thus I was taken in by an assassin group called Obscure Mercy. There was a man my master warned me about. His name was Obi. He had no last name and was the worst thing to come across on a mission. But me being me, I chose to take a job to assassinate the royal Wisteria family... Which led me to Clarines,  three countries away from my guild .

    I was at the palace, sneaking around scanning the walls for openings in the guard. Seeing an opening in the patrol I jumped, activating my dragon magic and letting my claws sink into the cobblestone of the castle wall. I scaled it quickly, silently smiling as I saw a figure leaping through the trees below. He hadn't noticed me. I slunk across the grounds, silently sedating the guards and breaking their weapons. 

   I entered the castle and inhaled deeply. Someone was behind me. I whirled around and caught a throwing knife in midair, inches from my face. The thrower cursed. "Who are you?" He asked angrily. I did not respond and instead smiled. Sliding his blade into my belt along with several other mismatched ones from my previous encounters, I began walking towards him, slowly removing my hood. My eyes glowed an eerie color, flickering from misty green back to (e/c). Small patches of scales grew on my skin, glowing a pearly white. His brow furrowed in confusion. "Wha-" I lunged at him, drawing my short sword. I shot past him, slicing his arm and dashing away. I slipped through the corridors, my senses heightened. I had to find the Wistarias before he raised the alarm. A bell rang through the night. Shit, I'm to late. I skidded to a halt in front of the throne room. Supposedly there was a window through there. I opened the door, shocked to find Zen and a red haired girl dancing. I narrowed my eyes as they paused when they heard the alarm. They exchanged words, and retreated out a side door. 

  I quickly ran in, and broke the stained glass window above the throne and ducked and rolled on the cobblestone of the back gardens. I dashed to the edge of the lawn and launched myself over the maze hedge. "HEY!" A shout sounded throughout the air. I darted through the trees of the artificially grown forest towards the castle walls. Suddenly without warning; a figure landing in front of me. Having no time to avoid him/her, I stopped, my feet digging into the soil. I stopped just short of the figure. Not caring who it was: I began to run in the opposite direction, making sure to jump up into the trees in case he had projectiles.  

Just as I was about to reach the freedom of the castle wall, I was tackled by a muscly person. I let out a yelp, and shut my eyes. The impact was hard, and the ground was sure going to leave bruises, but nothing seemed broken. I looked to the side, and saw that the man who had tackled me was the one I had encountered in the corridor: the cut I had given him was not stocked full of dirt. I struggled, attempting to rid myself of his grasp. It only tightened as he yelled "OVER HERE!!!" He rolled me over and it was only then that I saw his handsome features. He looked into me eyes, his own narrowing. "You're like me..." He said. My own eyes widened, and my mouth fell open in shock. "OBI!" I looked over. Prince Zen and his two aide's ran towards us. I attempted to reach for a blade on my belt, but my hand was stopped by Obi. Wait. Obi? I began to shiver in fear as I stared up at the man. He looked at me confused as tears clouded my eyes. 

I shut my eyes, expelling the tears they held. I kept them shut for the duration of the walk back to the castle. I don't know what they're going to do with me... But I can hope for all god, that it won't involve the man they call Obi.



Hey guys, finally got done with my trimester finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus its totally winter break so... I hope you enjoyed anyway!

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