Chapter one

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"I don't want you to leave," Draco whispers to me. It was early in the morning and he had draped his upper half over my chest lazily.

"I still have a couple more days at home, babe," I whisper back, running my fingers through his hair affectionately. He practically purred, dipping his nose to fit delicately under my jaw.

"I'll miss you." His voice was as weak as it always was every morning before coffee. I didn't really mind. It proved his trust for me even when he lowered his guards.

"I'll miss you too. I'll only be gone for a week. You'll see me again real soon," I say before moving him so I could sit up. I lean down and kiss him softly before getting up out of bed to fetch him some coffee.

As I waited for the coffee to brew, I leaned against the kitchen counter sleepily. I blinked extensively, trying to force myself into a more alert state. I always had to be on the lookout, being who I was and having a death-eaters son engaged to me, even if our relationship was a secret to the world. Everyone was against me, it seemed.

A knock on the front door of my flat yanked me into awareness. I addressed the issue immediately, crossing the rest of the kitchen to reach the door. I was only in flannel pyjama bottoms, but I honestly was too out of it to care.

I heard Draco padding down the hallway just as I opened the door.

"Dudley?" I question immediately, almost thinking I was dreaming once again. My cousin stood in front of me, a bag slung over his left shoulder and hair askew. I probably don't look much better.

"Hey," he says sheepishly. When I had moved in I had informed him where I was staying. We had been on better terms ever since the dementor incident. He was hidden enough from evil folk, having the house still under enough protection enchantments for it to be an okay idea. I hadn't needed to regret it yet.

"What are you doing here?" I allow him to step into the front area. He glanced over at Draco before making eye contact with me once again.

"My parents are super pissed because I failed a course in college so I was hoping to stay here a few days so they have time to cool off. No one else will take me in," he explains.

"Malfoy?" I call out, hearing him shuffling around behind me. The noise stops.

"Yes?" he calls back in an annoyed tone. Always has to keep up his bitchy cover around new people.

"Your thoughts?" I say plainly.

"I don't care. Your decision," he replies sassily and the shuffling starts up again.

"I don't see why you can't stay. I will be leaving in two days so it'll just be you and Malfoy. He's no trouble though so don't worry. I'll set you up in the guest bedroom."

I showed Dudley our guest bedroom and he started putting the few things he had away. I met Draco back in the kitchen where he sipped his coffee. He puts the mug down when he sees me.

"Hey, baby," I say quietly, pulling him into my arms and rocking us gently. He hums contently, leaning his weight on me.

"So that's your cousin," he whispers, voice still weak, just as it was earlier.

"Yup." I pepper kisses down his neck. He tilts his head back, smiling contently. "Please be nice to him."

"Yeah, yeah," he whimpers. In a pathetic attempt to still look like his sassy, emotionless self, he pushes me away once footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway. He adds on his usual cool demeanor and grabs his coffee mug once again, cradling it affectionately in his hands.

Dudley comes back in and thanks us before saying that he had to head to class. I decide that it's best to get ready for work before I'm late. Draco follows my lead.

Draco whines about not wanting to go to work as we get dressed. When he's fixing his hair he complains about how he'll miss me. When he's fixing mine because it's 'a fucking disaster' he moans about how he won't see me for a few hours. Finally, when we put our shoes on at the door, he kisses me and tells me he loves me.

"I'll see you soon," I say before we part ways. He smiles warmly at me before sliding into the car I bought for him.

We drive to work, both wishing that the day would end soon so we could be together again.

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