Chapter seven

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I try to get my eyes to focus on something other than the morning sunlight that was burning my retinas. It crept into my room, claws digging into anything it could reach.

Fuck mornings.

I realize it was a knock on my door that had woken me once the sound came again.

"Yeah?" I call out tiredly, still tucked under a thick blanket. It was the only thing protecting me from the monsters that constantly hovered over my head like grey storm clouds.

The door opened and more light penetrated my poor, innocent eyes.

"Don't you have work?" a disembodied voice asked. I knew it had to be Dudley even though my eyes were screwed shut to keep the light out.

"Day off," I mutter, pulling the blanket over my head once closing my eyes didn't work.

"You still have to get up," he laughs. I roll my eyes and snuggle deeper into my pillow. Harry has been the only one to talk me out of bed before. I liked sleeping.

"Harry brings you coffee, right? Do you want me to get you some?" he asks. I peek out of at him, expecting him to be bullshitting me.

"That'd be great," I reply, rubbing my eye with the heel of my hand. I tell him how I take it and he leaves to retrieve it for me.

When he's gone I try to blink myself awake, doing my hardest to ignore the glowering sunlight.

I wish Harry was here. He always gave me a reason to get up.

I drew a hand up to my face before allowing my fingers to travel down my neck. Over my covered hickeys. Fuck.

I made a decision to not allow myself to tell anyone about them, not that I ever planned to. It just felt too odd to talk about it. I better find a shirt that'll cover them. Maybe Harry has something.

Dudley is back in quickly and gives me my coffee. He awkwardly stands at the edge of my bed and watches me as I sip it.

"Oh, I feel like I should ask," he trails off anxiously. I look up at him, letting him know it's okay to continue. "Can I have a friend over tonight? We won't be any trouble. He'll leave before dinner."

"Sure. It's not like I'm your mother," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"Great, thank you," he pauses, smiling, "Draco."

"Yeah, sure," I say, feeling uncomfortable once again, just like last night. It crept into me just like the sunlight that glared down into my bedroom. I shivered.

"I'm going to get dressed," I finally say. Thankfully, he leaves.

I set my mug down before stripping off my bedtime wear (which did not consist of something Harry would usually wear because I totally did not take his clothes because they smell like him. No, that would be absurd.)

I manage to beckon myself outside, cradling my coffee mug like a newborn. The usual.

Dudley is in the kitchen. He turns to face me, a grin present on his stupid face.

Maybe it was the way he looked at me that made a wave of anxiety crawl up my throat like a silent scream. Or maybe it could have been his posture that made me think something was wrong.

Luckily, I didn't have to worry about this issue just yet because a knock struck my front door.

I exit the kitchen, placing my coffee on the kitchen table since it was on the way. I didn't know who it could have been, considering it was still fairly early in the day.

I was met with an alarming sight. Hermione, cradling her child in her arms stood at my front door, a panicked look on her face.

Now, I didn't get along amazingly with her. We could civilly talk and be around each other but our history held us back from furthering our relationship. If I was being honest with myself I would say I was only doing it to make Harry happy. He deserves this.

Ron and I were worse, anyway. That was to be expected. He still hates me more than any normal adult would see reasonable.

"Oh! Draco!" She seems surprised. "Is Harry here?"

"No. He's on a work trip," I answer in a pouty way. She looks at me sadly. Understandingly.

"Oh. That's no problem then," she rushes her words together, panic more noticeable now.

"I'm sure I can help you still even though our Lord and Savior isn't available," I joke. He was only my Lord and Savior, obviously.

She sighs dramatically before nodding. "I need a babysitter."


Many would be surprised if I told them I was good with kids. I wouldn't be offended, seeing my parents record. Even my own.

I know I wasn't branded with a Dark Mark. I had gotten with Harry in fifth year and he managed to work me through it. I hadn't been put in many hard situations where I was forced to make a decision, although I knew I was trustworthy with one side and one side alone.

Either way, I was good with kids. I had worked with them plenty of times at Hogwarts, believe it or not.

However, I had to say Harry was probably more experienced with them, considering his line of work.

Right now I couldn't care about that. All I could care about was the sleeping child in my arms and my fiancée's cousins who was staring me down hungrily.

I could help it that I was a fucking meal.

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