Chapter eight

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Sorry it took me so long to update I kind of forgot about this story oops. Also, I'm editing this while half asleep so sorry it probably isn't the best.


I focus on my footfalls and try to even my breath. It took a lot out of me to try and act normal. I had a glamour on and it just didn't feel right.

Cordelia followed me as we made our way down to where the Death Eaters were supposed to be. She had a glamour on as well, hidden behind a mask of curly brown hair. It was almost as messy as Hermione's had been back in first and second year.

How I missed the times where life was easy.

"It should be just over this hill," I state, trying to peer over the grassy plain. Cordelia huffed beside me but kept her chin high. Pure-blood pride and all.

Sadly, I was very familiar with that.

Keeping low, we did our best to shield ourselves from anyone who may have been watching.

At first, there was nothing. Then, over to the far right, I noticed a light emitting from a thick forested area. I caught my partners attention before dragging her over, wand shaking in my hands.

I knew what could have been waiting in that forest. I could meet the faces of those that have spent a large bout of time plotting my demise.

But, even worse, I could face the love of my life's father and find out that he is once again out to get me. Or worse, out to get Draco.

Squaring my shoulders, I built up some false confidence before entering the forest before me, heading in the direction of the unnatural light.

I heard voices. Voices that made my footsteps falter. Footsteps that reminded me of all those years at Hogwarts, fighting for my teenage life.

I recognized some and not others. I couldn't place anyone for sure. However, I was still brought back to the time where Cedric had laid lifeless in my presence.

I still blame myself for that.

Peering from my hiding spot, I watched as Death Eaters paraded around. Nothing looked suspicious, really. Well, at least it wouldn't to a clueless muggle.

Edging closer, I did my best to sort out their words, track what they were planning.

I managed to find a good spot and settle, Cordelia doing the same.

Then, my worse fear came true. There, before me, stood Lucius Malfoy.

I had known that he had broken out of Azkaban, of course, but I didn't fully expect him to be here. Dumb of me, I know.

Before he had been put away he had said something about protecting his family. Protecting the woman he loved and his son.

Now, I realized, those must have been empty words.

I was there for about 10 minutes before I heard something that struck a cord in me. Draco.

"What are you going to do about that son of yours?" one had asked to Malfoy. From this angle, I couldn't tell exactly who it was. Maybe Nott.

"Draco?" Malfoy hummed, as if he was actually thinking about it. "Oh, I know what I'll do about that brat." A grin formed on his shadowed face. "I'll kill him."


I worked on dinner like any other day, still caring for the child before me. My day had consisted of entertaining Rose and cleaning the house. Dudley was still at school so I hadn't to worry about him just yet.

Dudley showed up with his friend just before I finished cooking. It was an early dinner tonight, considering Hermione would come by soon. I wanted to feed Rose before she had to leave.

"Hey Draco," he purrs after meeting me in the kitchen. "Early dinner?"

"Obviously," I say a bit uncomfortably. He hums contently, leaning against the counter beside me. His friend observed by the front door, watching us closely.

"I have to finish dinner," I say, moving away from him to focus on cooking.

I was just finishing up when my phone rang. Scrambling to get it, I reach around in my pockets. I was disappointed to find that it wasn't Harry. It was Hermione.

"Hey," I greet, tucking my phone into my neck as I made a plate for the child before me. She smiled up at me and I smiled back, ignoring Dudley's bedroom eyes.

"Hey, Ron and I are driving there now." She sounded happy enough, which was good. Harry had told me she has had a hard time at work recently.

"Great. Want to stay for dinner? I think I made enough," I offer out of politeness. As soon as Ron heard he would turn my offer down.

I heard muffled talking before Hermione's clear voice returned. "We'd love to!"

I pause before making my voice pleasantly surprised. "Okay, great! I'll see both of you soon."

"Who was that?" Dudley asks from next to me. I jump. When did he get there?

"Just some of Harry's friends. They are coming for dinner," I state matter-of-factly.


I set the table before taking my phone out again, checking to see if I had missed a call from Harry (although I knew that was impossible) again. I had frequently done this throughout the day, worrying for his safety.

Hermione and Ron showed up only minutes later (Ron not looking overly happy about it). I took their coats before taking them to the kitchen. Both hung around their daughter who cooed up at them.

Dinner began, all of my guests circling the dining table. There was little talk, the combination of Dudley and Ron causing too much tension for me to try and start up anything. 

How does Harry do this. 

Suddenly, the door busts open and in strides the last person I was expecting to see.


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