Chapter six

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It was almost nightfall when I decided to call Draco. He had to be home right now. He never stayed at work later then he had to.

"Harry!" his beautifully excited voice exclaims once he answered.

"Hey," I replied gently. It was good to hear his voice again, even if I did see him this morning. Cordelia's voice was getting rather annoying and I needed a change of tone.

"How has your day been? Exciting?" he asks. I could see him cradling the phone, a hesitant smile present on his lips. Merlin, I miss him so much already. What am I going to do?

"Been in a bloody motel room all day," I explain grumpily.

"Oh. That sucks then," he replies sadly. "Not as exciting as you expected?"

"Tomorrow is when it gets exciting. Get to track them down," I say cheekily, brightening the mood.

"That's good then. Be safe," he demands once again. A broken record, I'd say. And to think, I'm marrying this bloke.

Fuck, I can't wait.

"I will," I promise just as Cordelia comes back from the bathroom. She had taken a shower. I thought I had more time.

"Good. I miss you." His words broke through my panicked daze. It would be significantly harder to hide our relationship now, knowing that my partner was in the room. I better watch my words

"I miss you too." He hums happily to my words.

"I love you. I love you so much," he chants out, voice boisterous yet sad, somehow.

"Oh, you know I do too," I reply, trying to sound normal.

Then, Cordelia does the unthinkable. She grabs my muggle phone and puts it up to her ear.

She always had seemed a bit snoopy and involved.

"Hello?" she calls out. "Who is this?"

The look of confusion on her face almost made me laugh.

Her face contorted into one of anger and disbelief as Draco's muffled words came through the speakers.

I manage to grab my phone back, pressing it protectively to my ear.

"What did you say to her?" I ask, laughter in my voice. She was glaring up at me and all I could think of was a five-year-old who didn't get their way. I don't know how she ever became an Auror.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Do you know who my father is?" he relays and I laugh shortly.

"Of course," I chuckle, shaking my head slightly in amusement. Cordelia continues to glare at me.

"Well, anyway, I still have to shower tonight. I'll call you tomorrow," I tell him. I hated to end the call but I knew I must keep it short. If anything in my phone records looks suspicious or out of place I know I might be put on a watch. That was the last thing I needed right now.

"Okay. Have a good sleep and all that other bullshit," he says in response. I laugh again before wishing him a good night and hanging up.

"Who was that?" Cordelia demands shrilly. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to go take a shower. Don't wait up for me," I reply before heading to the bathroom.

It was going to be a long night.


I got off the phone with Harry and continue working on the story in front of me. I had always enjoyed writing and Harry frequently pushed me to do it because it made me happy.

The words flow across the computer screen in front of me, my eyes following intently. It was a muggle story about a murderous romance. Quite enthralling, if I do say so myself.

Harry likes it, anyway. That's all that matters.

Father had always wanted me to write well so I could send off professional letters to whomever he pleased. He wanted to impress people with my skills. I had become a strong writer at the age of 9, I believe.

I don't think he intended for me to use these skills for muggle romances.


He doesn't get a say in what I do with my life anymore.

I have Harry for that.

"Draco?" I hear from my doorway, breaking me away from a beautifully written sentence involving a crestfallen barista. No matter.

"Yes?" I question, my eyes slowly removing themselves from the computer screen to Dudley. He nervously shifted from foot to foot in the hallway.

"May I come in?"

"Sure." I turn back to my story, adding the needed punctuation before lowering the screen halfway so I could engage in an undistracted conversation, with any luck.

He meets me at the edge of my bed, next to where my long legs were spread out (or as Harry calls them, pale ass fish sticks. Fuck him). His eyes raked over my being, catching in every fold of the flannel I was wearing. I pulled it from Harry's side of the closet. It smelled like him.

"I was wondering if you would watch a film with me?" he asks politely. I raise an eyebrow, confused. Harry usually put on whatever he wanted to watch, sat me down, and allowed me to lay across him for the entirety of the film.

I didn't even know how to properly watch one anymore. Curse him.

"Sure," I said anyway, out of politeness, of course. He visibly relaxed.

I closed Harry's computer before following Dudley into the living room. We set up a film and I got comfortable, tucking my feet underneath me.

However, I couldn't pay attention. Even when the film was at its dramatic climax, I couldn't focus. I noticed ever glance Dudley made my way.

It made me uncomfortable in a way I couldn't describe.

I didn't know how to handle this so after the film was over, I excused myself and hid in my room for the rest of the night.

I was too tired to face any of my problems tonight, thank you very much.

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