Chapter three

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The meeting was going by fast. The Auror's were very good at compromising. However, I didn't fancy the way Harry was talking and laughing with one female Auror that I didn't care to learn the name of.

There is a small intermission where Shacklebolt had to take a call. Everyone talks amongst themselves, Pansy whispering how well the meeting was going to me. I was too busy watching Harry to listen to her.

He rises from his seat and slides into the one next to mine once he catches my gaze.

"Did you know I was coming today?" he asks lowly as to not draw attention to us.

"Of course not," I reply. "I wouldn't have stopped talking about it as soon as I heard. Honestly Harry."

"It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too."

Our conversation ended when Shacklebolt entered and Harry moved back next to that nameless girl.

The meeting wrapped up quickly and the Aurors were on their way out. Almost immediately, I noticed a familiar jacket draped over the back of a chair. Rolling my eyes, I stand and wordlessly chase after my idiot of a fiancée.

They were outside by the time I caught up to them.

"Potter!" I call after him, doing my best to act like we weren't totally infatuated with each other.

He stops and turns to me.

"Forgetting something?" I claim sassily and he makes his way over to me. When I pass him his jacket, I lean in to whisper in his ear, trying to look menacing. With any luck, they would think I was verbally harassing him pr something of the sort.

"I love you, be safe," I whisper.

"I love you too," he replies before we part ways.

I couldn't hide the blush on my face as I made my way back to my workplace. Some looked at me oddly but I ignored them like I usually did.

For the rest of work, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry, not that I usually didn't, because I did. I guess I just thought about him more than usual today.

I did my normal routine when I got home, impatiently waiting for my soon-to-be husband to get his ass home.

I straight up ignored Dudley when he finished school, much to his annoyance.

I was just thinking about starting dinner when Harry got home. I began to get up by my legs wouldn't comply. I guess I wasn't meeting him at the door like usual today.

He shuffles around a bit before coming and sitting next to me.

"Everything okay?" he asks once he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I sigh before turning to face him.

"You're leaving tomorrow," I whine, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Then we better make tonight eventful," he responds, voice an octave lower than usual.

"And what's that supposed to mean, Potter?" I whisper innocently. I feel my eyes widen slightly in anticipation.

He doesn't reply. Instead, he leans over and kisses right under my ear. I growl before turning my head to kiss him. It was sloppy but neither of us really seemed to care.

I ended up dragging him into our bedroom and locking the door with a charm. I set up a silencing charm on the room before I allowed him to push me back onto the bed.

He sucked on my neck like he always did. He must enjoy the noises I made because every chance he got, he guns for my throat.

It's hot and messy and I love it. I couldn't get enough.

"Harry," I whine. "What about dinner?"

"What about it?" he says into my neck before biting into a different area of skin, leaving me breathless and lost for words.

Instead of saying anything, mostly because I couldn't, I wrap my legs around his hips and tilt my head back further.

"Harry we need to have dinner, you must be hungry," I finally manage to moan out.

"For you." Is all I hear before he hits a more sensitive spot and I turn into a complete and utter mess.

I allow him to use me for another few minutes. I'm withering underneath him, moaning my appreciation when a knock comes on the door. Harry shoots up and I adjust my shirt. Harry opens the door.

"Hey, sorry, I just didn't know where you two were," Dudley's disembodied voice sounds from outside the room. Harry laughs before telling him we were just talking. He follows Dudley out.

I take a few minutes to control my breathing before following them out, covering up my love bites as best I could.

Harry was in the kitchen, making his way around the small room, many ingredients out for tonight's dinner.

"What the hell was that, Potter," I hiss lowly, trying not to alert Dudley who was taking a call in the living room.

"What was what?" he asks innocently, still focused on dinner.

"There are hickeys up and down my throat, what am I supposed to do about that?" I shoot, still feeling a continuous pulse in my lower region. Harry took notice of this and stopped to address me with his full attention.

"Spell them away," he says cheekily.

"You and I both know I'm not using magic, Potter." He and I had made an agreement that after my father broke out of Azkaban I wouldn't use magic in case he could trace it back to me. 

"Looks like deserts on me in that case," he whispers slyly into my ear and then turns, acting as if nothing had happened.

"I hate you," I growl before storming off to my bedroom. I hear him chuckle as I go.

I waited for him to come after me but he doesn't. I was acting petty, I knew that, but I liked the attention. It was about half an hour later when he did come in.

"Dinners ready," he tells me. I don't respond. "Babe." He comes over to me and sits next to my hip. I shut my eyes and grunt.

"I hate you," I whisper pathetically.

"Love you too. Now come on, it's dinner time." He goes to get up and I grab his hand. In one fluent motion, I pull him into a rough kiss.

"I love you," I say once we finally pull apart.

"I love you too."

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