Chapter two

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I get home a few hours before Harry does, like usual. I take my time in the shower, using all of my 'girly' products that Harry says he hates. Bloody liar.

I let in Dudley when he shows up after school and we share a few words before he goes off to hide in the guest bedroom.

It's an hour before Harry gets home when I start to really miss him. My heart tugs painfully knowing he isn't beside me. It's pathetic how much I miss him.

I find myself on Harry's computer when he arrives home. I meet him at the door.

"Fuck, I missed you," I say like I do everyday. Then I kiss him, like I do every time I see him after work. And he kisses back.

"I missed you too."

He goes off to shower after telling me that I smell like a girl, like he usually does. Then, I start on dinner, waiting for Harry to come in and help.

We have a routine. Every day is basically the same, both of us basting in each other's company.

That's why I hate it when he leaves for weeks because of work.

I can barely go a day without him, let alone a week. I always turn into a mess. That's why he only goes on these trips when he absolutely has to.

Because his fiancée is a whiny bitch. And he's fucking proud of it.

Harry helps me with dinner and we all eat. Dudley apparently goes off to study afterwards, leaving us alone in the living room. I curl into Harry, voicing how much I missed him today and how hard work is without him.

The hours run past and soon enough it's time for Harry to drag me to bed.

We get ready for bed in silence, only a few occasional small conversations.

"I love you," he tells me once we're laying down. Leaning into me, he kisses my lips softly. I push against him, creating a bit of passion. A chuckle echoes through his chest.

I grab hold of him like he's a lifeline, which I guess is kind of true. I'm nothing without him.

He finally ends the kiss and wishes me a good sleep before shutting off the lights. I drape and arm over his chest and he moves in closer to me.

We have a system. One that we haven't broken in years. And honestly, I don't want it to stop.


I wake up, feeling fingers in my hair. Humming contently, I breath Harry's scent in appreciatively. I'm going to miss this.

I lean up and kiss him, like every morning. He kisses back.

He gets up to fetch me a coffee. I lay back down, wrapped up in the thought of him.

I was too busy daydreaming to notice who was at my bedroom door. He cleared his throat to catch my attention.

"Hey, Draco," Dudley voices sweetly. "So it'll just be us soon, right?"

"Yeah?" My voice is small and I hate myself for it.

"Fantastic," he says then leaves.

Harry comes back and I tell him word-for-word what happened with his cousin.

"It's probably nothing," he tells me before getting up and dressing for work. I finish my coffee and do the same.

Dudley was gone by the time we had to leave so we did our usual departure, including a kiss and many 'I'll miss you's.

I make it to work on time, even though I was so distracted by my fiancée, who wasn't even near me. Whatever.

I manage everything I have to before I go off to find Pansy. We had a meeting today and I needed her to fill me in on what's happening.

She's in her office and she explains that the Auror team wanted to put an advertisement in our paper.

"Is Harry coming? I didn't hear anything about it. He didn't say anything. I hope he comes," I breath out after her explanation.

"I'm not sure. I just know a few Auror's and Shacklebolt are coming." I sigh dramatically, tossing myself in a chair. "There's a good chance he's coming, being The Chosen One after all."

"Yeah," I reply shortly, leaning my head back. "I hope that's how they think. It'd be nice to see him."

"You're addicted to that boy," she comments. I nod numbly, still caught up on our past midnight talks, our secret kisses, our short 'I love you's.

Pansy's phone rings and she answers. From what I caught I could tell that the Aurors were here. The moment of truth.

Pansy and I make our way down to the lobby to meet them and direct them to the room we'd have our meeting in.

Anxiety bubbled in my stomach. I could trust myself to be good and act professional, even in the presence of my secret fiancée.

It'll all work out.

I notice them immediately. I couldn't even stop my face from heating when I finally see him in his element, surrounded by people he worked with.

I tuck my chin down and avoid eye contact, even as I feel his gaze on me.

Pansy brings us all to the meeting room and I set up, spreading the papers needed around me and notebook open.

"Okay, let's get started."

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