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I looked around before pulling the hanging vines aside. I ducked under branches and stepped over roots. I finally arrived at the spot and still looked at it in awe. It was beautiful. Lily pads decorated the surface of the small lake as a waterfall continuously flowed into it. Trees lined the area, shading it from aerial view. Flowers bloomed year round as if time never existed. "Jaehyun!" I turned around then smiled widely. "Younghoon." We briefly hugged each other then sat by the water.

"Did anyone follow you?" "No. You?" "No." A few fairies circled us then sat on our shoulders. "Hey, how are you guys today?" I looked to Younghoon as he was the one who understood fairy between the both of us. "They say they're good and want to know how you're doing." "Not well. My wings still haven't sprouted. Maybe I'm a late bloomer." "They say it's pretty weird to say that. They've never seen a young adult like you before." "Really?" They nodded in sync. "Do you know why?" They shook their heads in sync. "Feng said she'll look into it for you." I watched as the fairies disappeared in the thicket of trees.

"Slowly open it." I gently massaged his wing as the only sounds heard were the waterfall and the pleased sighs from Younghoon. "Does it hurt?" "No, you're really gentle." "Well, they say our wings are our lives. Without them, we'd be like the good for nothing humans." I moved onto his other wing then noticed him flinch. "Are you hurt?" "No..." He folded his wings then moved away from me. "So you are." I snapped my fingers then approached his wing. "Open it." "No." "Please?" He slowly opened it and I saw a scab near where his wing started. I gently rubbed my hand over it, feeling slightly guilty for making him flinch. "There. It should be better." He moved it back and forth then smiled.

"I'm jealous of your healing powers." "Don't be. I can only heal small things. Healing something big is way out of my league." "Are you learning?" "Yeah, but it's really hard..." I pulled my knees closer to my chest. "I have to make myself useful somehow since I can't fly..." He patted my back then pulled me closer. "I'll always be by your side whether if you can fly or not." "Thanks..." I snapped then smiled as petals fell from above. "Pretty." "You act as if you can't learn." "Certain families specialize in certain things. You know this." "Can you keep a secret?" "Of course." I stood up then cracked my neck and knuckles. I closed my eyes then envisioned the circle around me. "Jaehyun, what are you doing?" I kept my concentration then opened my eyes. The area was soon covered in darkness and will-o-wisps soon appeared around us. A little boat appear on the water's surface that soon started to play music.

"Jae..." I looked at him as I sat down. "That was scary and cool at the same time. You should've seen it! A circle with symbols appeared underneath you and the way the area steadily grew darker and then a light engulfed you but I could still see you. It was amazing." I hid my embarrassment at all of his praising. "But, your family doesn't specialize in this..." "That's why I asked you to keep a secret. I've been learning other spells." "How? You remember that one guy who tried using a spell that wasn't in his family's blood and he was swallowed into a void." I shrugged. "I was surprised too." "I wonder if you're a special angel..." "No way..." He pushed me into the water, but I pulled him in with me. It wasn't deep enough for to swim, but that didn't stop us from having a water fight.


We sat by the water once more as I cast a spell to dry us off. "Oh." I looked at him. "The bell." I then heard it as well. "See you." "Yeah." I watched quietly as his wings made their appearance. "I'll bring food next time." He soon left the ground and flew away. I waved my hand and the scenery had returned to normal. I stood up and brushed myself off. I had to look presentable for my parents.


"And where were you?" "Library." I went up to my room then locked my door. I didn't want to be bothered by my mother. "Did studying not go well today?" "No. Leave me alone." "You're not hungry?" "No." I rolled onto my back then wondered what Younghoon was doing. I wrote on a piece of paper then put my hand over it. I lifted my hand then smiled. It had worked.

The paper materialized in the air then floated down onto my bed. "'I miss you already. At least we have classes together.' He's so sappy..." I wrote my response then started to send it just as my mother knocked on the door. I lifted my hand then panicked. "What's this? Jaehyun, open this door." I sighed then unlocked the door. She hit me on the head then scowled. "We told you, stay away from Younghoon. He's no good for you." "Yet no one ever tells me why exactly." "Just listen to your mother." She walked away and I knew she was going to end up burning the paper and tell Younghoon's parents.

I could never understand why they wanted us apart. He was nothing short of a wonderful guy. What about him could be a bad influence on my life? I sighed heavily as I wanted to know.

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