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I shot up while panting. I touched my face then took a deep breath. It was just a dream. I looked over and saw Jaehyun fast asleep. I materialized my wings then covered him with one. He rolled over then cuddled close to me. He looked unexplainably cute while sleeping. I stroked his hair then noticed he started to smile. Was it because of me or was he dreaming of something nice? I had hoped for the latter as I didn't want him to be plagued with nightmares.

I woke up and saw that the sun had risen. Jaehyun wasn't in my arms. I quickly sat up and looked around. He wasn't here. I started to panic until he appeared from in between the trees. "Jae..." "Did I worry you?" "A bit." He sat next to me then looked up at the sky. He looked like he had a lot on his mind. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" "Not really." I quietly eyed him as his eyes wouldn't leave the sky. "Something happened?" I noticed him tense and saw I had hit the bullseye. "What happened?" "Nothing..." "Jaehyun." He sighed then looked at me. "I almost kissed you." I blinked rapidly then felt myself at a loss for words.

"Kiss me?" He nodded then laughed awkwardly. "Weird right? I didn't feel like myself at the time. I didn't feel like me." How could he not? It's not like another being existed in his body. It was impossible. "I'm sure it was just you dreaming." "Maybe." I fidgeted as I wasn't sure if I should tell him about the nightmare I had. "What's wrong, Hoon?" "Well...I had a nightmare..." "I'm listening." I moved closer to him then sighed. "I was a kid again, but I was in a kingdom of some sort...I was playing with friends then I saw you, as a child too." He nodded then encouraged me to continue.

"We often played with the other kids, but we spent more time alone together...then it suddenly switched and..." I shuddered as I remembered. It was awful. It felt so real. "What is it? What happened?" He rubbed my back, relaxing me slightly. "I was stabbed by an adult...and all I saw was red. I heard your voice too and felt myself being held by you. After that I...I don't know. I woke up." I started shaking as I remembered how vivid it was. He hugged me from the side then rocked us back and forth. "Don't worry, it's not real. That's not your real childhood. You grew up happily and well cared for." I leaned into his warm embrace as the sun beamed down on us. I purposefully left out a piece as it probably had no meaning.


We playfully attacked each other with petals then I decided to take flight. "You're playing dirty." "Hey, why don't we go adventuring?" He tilted his head then sat down. I soon joined him then held him by his shoulders. "Yeah, adventuring. Visit different towns and cities in this country." "Sounds like fun, but..." He frowned as he pointed to his back. "It's fine. You're giving me a good workout anyway." "You just called me heavy." "It'd be problematic if you were underweight." "Well, I have been wanting to see other cities and towns. I've never left Divitiae." "We'd need a map too." He whipped up a geographical map of the entire country.

"Can you locate us?" "We're right...here." "Ah, so we're close by Lapide. Isn't it the second tourist city?" "Indeed." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I summoned my wings then felt Jaehyun grab my arm. "What's up?" "I don't want to burden you..." "Jae, you're not a burden to me. If you were I wouldn't have agreed to fleeing with you." He smiled which put a smile on mine as well. His smile was precious to me. I wanted to see him smile always, whether I was the cause or not. I never understood why I always felt like this whenever I looked at him. "Then let's go then..." He wrapped his arms around my neck and I found myself getting hotter.

"Hoon?" "Huh?" "Aren't you going to pick me up?" "Right..." I picked him up bridal style then took off. I tightened my grip on him then heard him draw a sharp breath. "Everything okay?" "Yeah..." I peered down and saw he was hiding his face. Did I touch a sensitive spot? "You sure?" "Mhm."


I sat down with my wings outstretched as Jaehyun massaged them. "Take a break, Jae." "I'm fine." "Well, could you make food magically appear?" I soon had a plate of food sitting in front of me. "Is it edible?" "I can easily get rid of it." "Sorry. I'm not used to food actually appearing magically." I picked up a piece of fruit then took a bite. "Wow. It's really ripe." "Of course." I leaned into his touch as it was gentle and relaxing. "Are you happy?" "In general? Yes." "Are you happy to be with me right now? Are you happy that we ran away?" His hands left my wings and he was soon sitting in front of me. "Yes, to both." He reached out then touched my cheek. "I'm happy as long as you're with me." My heart soared.

"Kiss him." I backed away. "What's wrong?" "Free him." I continued to crawl back. "It has to be you. Only you can help him." I clutched my head in hopes it would stop. "Younghoon, what's wrong?" "Leave me be." I summoned my wings and flew away.

Pneuma | BbangHyun✅Where stories live. Discover now