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I steeled myself as I walked up to the front door. I slowly unlocked the door and was thankful my mother wasn't behind it. It was only short lived as she was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Care to explain where you've been?" "No, not really. Can I go up?" "Yes, you can. You're grounded. Come straight home after school." "Mom!" "Maybe you shouldn't have skipped school and not tell anyone where you were going." She stepped aside and let me go up. I stomped my way upstairs then slammed my door.

I decided to open one of the books that read 'Mature: Advance Spells'. I had no idea what it meant, but it had the word spell in it. I skimmed through it to get a sense of what I was dealing with. None of them had pictures like the ones in the library. The names were pretty vague as well. I carefully read the first one then decided to try it out. I made a triangle with my fingers then recited the words. I jumped in fright as my plush toy had started to move on its own. "Oh my" "I don't bite." It spoke. I fainted.


I came to then saw the plush sitting on my bed looking at me. "Are you for real...?" "Yes. You're the one who brought me to life." "There has to be a spell to undo it." I quickly picked up the book and searched for the spell. "Wait! I can do so much for you! I could be your small servant! A furmiliar!" I stopped reading then looked at the small kit*. "What can you do?" "As of now, nothing, until you cast this spell." It flipped pages then pointed to the spell on the right. "This one?" "Yep." I read the casting requirements then placed the book aside. I put my finger against it's forehead then recited the words. I started to notice a trend with these adavance spells. They all required some form of bodily movement and an incantation.

I moved my finger then noticed the kit had grew mini wings. "Great! Now I'm completely at your service! Ah wait, I don't have to talk telepathically now." I raised an eyebrow then watched as coherent words came out of its mouth. "My name is Cutie. At least, that's what you named me." "I'm still getting used to...this." Cutie flew then sat itself on my shoulder. "I identify as a female." "That's...really an advance way of thinking." "I know! That spell there gives the basics. I don't know what you did, but I like it." I looked at Cutie who pawed at my cheek. "What should I do?" "Can you get a message to Younghoon?" "All I need is the message, address and face."


I woke up the following morning then rubbed my eyes. I looked to my side and saw Cutie curled up and asleep. "Cutie." She stretched out then sat up. "Come to school with me." "Yes, Master Jaehyun." "M-Master...?" "Is it not right?" "Just Jaehyun is fine..." She nodded then crawled into my pocket.

I arrived at school and received the usual looks from others. I soon had lost possession of my books then growled. "Give them back!" "Come get them." I noticed Cutie was no longer in my pocket. A shriek was heard and my book had clattered to the floor and a thud was soon heard. "Oh my Ra..." A crowd formed around her. "Is she-" "Go away!" "You did this to her you freak." "Yeah, freak!" I backed away then quickly headed to class. "Did I do well, Jaehyun?" "What did you do to her?" "I bit her." "Then why did she fall so hard?" "I don't know. Maybe my powers don't mix well with her DNA." There was so much I had to learn about Cutie, and fast.


The school day ended and I couldn't have been happier to leave. They started to throw things at me as I headed for the entrance. "Demon." "You don't belong here." "You're a fuck up! A mistake!" I put Cutie in a bubble so she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else. I ran out of the building as their tormenting was never ending.

I sat in a quiet garden that I had discovered not too long ago. I noticed Cutie had left my pocket and was sitting in front of me. "Did my action not please you?" "Not at all." I noticed her ears had drooped. "My apologies." "Cutie, what exactly did you do to her?" "I bit her." "That's it?" She nodded. I pulled the book out then searched for the page. "Cutie, I think I made a mistake..." She walked over to me then hopped onto my lap. "I gave you dark powers by accident..." "Uh oh." "Is there any way to reverse it? Change it?" "I don't know. Read it?"

I quietly read then heard flapping of wings. "There you are." " did you find me?" "Not sure. What's that?" "I'm Cutie the kit!" "It talks..." "You get used to it." I watched as Cutie flew and sat on Younghoon's shoulder. "You're pretty cute." She rubbed her head against his cheek. "Cutie, come here. I think I can fix you." "Fix it?" "Cutie identifies as female. And yes, fix." She sat down in front of me and I pressed my finger to her forehead while reciting it slightly different. I removed my finger then looked her over. Her white wings broke off and were replaced with gold ones.

"Bite me." "I cannot." "Why?" "I'll die if I do." "Then I'll do it." We both looked at Younghoon. "I thought you left." "Rude." "Cutie, w-" She bit his shoulder then flew back down. "Anything?" "Other than slight pain? No." I sighed in relief. "Was something supposed to happen?" I told him about what happened earlier. "That was Cutie?" "Yeah..." "Hey, Jae." "Hm?" He held out his plush hyund*. "Can you do the same to Gin?" "I guess..."

a/n: kit - equivalent of a fox, but has lilac and turquoise fur
hyund - equivalent of a dog, but does not bark, only whines and are born with black fur.

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