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I stood before the judge in a nervous sweat. "Kim Younghoon." I quietly bowed as I wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk. "Hm, good manners..." I heard a familiar whining then saw them bring Gin in on a leash. "Gin..." "You are being tried for illegally owning a furmiliar." "Illegally!?" Since when was having a furmiliar against the law? "Do you have anything to say, Mr. Kim?" "I do. I have never heard of a law outlawing the use of and ownership of a furmiliar. My mother works for the government back in Divitiae which makes the laws for all towns and cities in the country. Never have I heard of this."

Everyone started to murmur at my declaration. "So you're the missing child..." "Imagine the fauns we'll get for returning him..." I could hear it all. "Silence!" I looked at the judge who seemed to be contemplating. He waved and soon Gin was released. "Gin!" He licked my face then hid inside my shirt. "We'll let you go, but only after you sign saying you won't speak a word of this to anyone." They placed ink and paper in front of me. "Gin." He nodded then held on tighter. I closed my eyes then snapped.


"I just made myself an outlaw..." "Why didn't you sign it?" I peeked around the corner before making my move. "I'm sure they make up silly reasons to have visitors jailed. I'm glad all that studying paid off." After quite a bit of maneuvering, we arrived at the place. It looked deserted from the outside. "Younghoon, down here." I pulled on one of the doors but it wouldn't budge. I tried the other and after so effort, it opened. "Hope this is the right place.

I awed at the writings and drawings on the walls. The path led to a big, noisy room. "Is anyone here!?" The noise died down and someone had stepped out. "Who are you?" I quickly bowed then apologized for trespassing. "So, what brings you here of all places?" "I heard you're a historian and wanted to know if you knew anything about the monarchy a hundred years ago." He started to laugh then leaned against the wall. "Did you really just ask me that? Me?" "So, you do know...?" He grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me deeper into his world.


"Wow..." I had expected it to be messy, but it was quite clean. "So, you want to know about the Pax kingdom?" "Yes. I've read countless books saying the monarchy caused its own demise, but never really went into detail." He started to laugh again as he pulled out a bulging file. "I see. This is what they tell young ones these days." "What do you mean?" He places the file on the table then flipped through it. He pulled out some pages then pushed the file aside. "I don't think the monarchy is to blame. I've joined hands with the archaeologists in the next city over and get this, the royal family was found defenseless. Not a weapon found."

It sounded horrible. How could anyone think it's fair to attack a defenseless person? It was disgusting. "Pax was actually a peaceful place, so this massacre was a surprise." "Really?" He nodded then left his seat. I looked over the papers in interest. It read that just about everyone died, except 3. Who was the third if we were the other two? It also read that it seemed as if people moved of their own free will. "So, is that enough?" I woke from my thoughts then gave him a smile. "Yeah. Thank you so much." I had to let Jaehyun know we weren't alone.


"There's so many guards..." It didn't look as if it'd be easy to leave Paldin. I could only teleport once a day as it was taxing on my magic and physical body. I wasn't as strong as Jaehyun was, and it was understandable as to why. "Hey." "Mr. Ro?" It was the historian who I had left behind not too long ago. "Come." I followed behind him as he led me back to his place.

"Go through here. It leads to Ugusas." "Thank you..." He patted my back then pushed me forward.

Gin hopped out of my shirt then stopped. "What's wrong?" "I feel weird." I watched in awe as he started to grow in size. "Woah..." "Look at me! I'm huge!" I laughed nervously as he only grew to the same size as Cutie. "Maybe now you can keep up. But more importantly, can you change back?" I waited as I watched him try to change back. He wasn't changing. "Hoon..." He whined then rubbed his head against my leg. I petted him then watched him go back to his original form. "Let's keep moving."

"Hey, Hoon." "Yeah?" "Isn't it a bit weird? We never told Mr. Ro we were wanted." "I'm sure word spreads fast." I found myself sinking into the ground. "Oh no you don't!" Gin clawed at the ground and sent the shadow running. "Thanks. Lets get rid of it." We chased after it then noticed a light. "I don't see it anymore. Shit." I could only hope it wouldn't attack innocents.


We walked around looking for the creature. "See anything?" "No sir." "Hoon!" I knew this voice. I turned around then smiled. It quickly disappeared as the shadow had appeared behind him. "Jae!" I materialized my wings then picked him up and flew into the air. "What are you doing!?" "Look." He looked down with me as Gin and Cutie dealt with the creature. "Weird...I didn't feel anything..." I landed back on the ground then noticed we were being stared at. "We should lay low for now." "Right."

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