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"So, what did you learn?" He shifted in my arms as he got comfortable. "Well, that our home was called Pax and was a peaceful place." "Same." I hesitated with the next part. "Is that all?" "Your parents...the old ones...they were found defenseless. They were killed while unarmed." I felt him stiffen at the news. "I know that as well..." "I'm sorry Jae." "It's fine."

"There was another." "Go on." I rested my chin on his shoulder then sighed. "Someone else is missing besides us." "What?" He soon left my arms and started to pace around. "He said the numbers didn't add up. Do you have an idea of who it could be?" "Not even one." I sighed then wondered if the person was good or bad. "Do you think she knows? That woman in the bookstore back in Lapide?" I shrugged as his guess was as good as mine. I looked over and saw Cutie and Gin curled up together. "Let's head back to Divitiae." "Hoon?"

"It's not for the reason you think. It's just, maybe those ruins might have a clue." He was quiet and it made me anxious. "But afterwards we leave. I don't have a place there anymore." I nodded then remembered something. "I forgot, but he said the massacre appeared to be of free will. Do you think it was?" I had a few doubts as a long running peaceful place would suddenly have themselves a bloodbath? It just didn't sit well with me. "I think something was at work." I felt relieved knowing he shared the same sentiments. "Do you think it was magic?" "Could've been. But magic can usually still be traced, even if very faint."


We quietly made our way back to Divitiae as we mulled over the new information. Someone besides us was missing from the excavation. A sudden massacre in such a peaceful place. Shadow creatures appearing out of thin air. Something was stirring in Etheros and it didn't look good. "Hoon." "Yeah?" "I'm actually a bit nervous. It's been months since we left." I flew closer to him then held his hand. "We can find another way there." He seemed relieved by my suggestion. "We can take a break now and look for it then." He nodded then loosened his grip. I held his hand tightly as he lost rhythm. "Jae?" "I'm fine." He certainly didn't look it. "I'll carry you." "Don't." I shrunk back at his tone.

We sat on the ground in silence. He had fallen asleep awhile ago after claiming he was fine. I couldn't help but worry if something was wrong as it happened so suddenly. "I wish he wouldn't let himself bear the burdens alone..." I stroked his hair as I watched him sleep. Did he no longer trust me? I pushed the thought away as if he didn't, we wouldn't be here together at this moment. "Younghoon." I peered into his face and confirmed he was talking in his sleep. Worry took over me again as his peaceful face had turned into one of discomfort.

"Jae. Jae." He wouldn't wake up. "Jae!" His breathing had come in shorter breaths and he had started to perspire. What could I do? It was moments like this that I felt powerless. I held him in my arms then hummed the tune of Nightingale. It was all I could think of. I noticed that his breathing had started to even out and he seemed less distraught than before. Not too long after Jaehyun had fled my arms with a yelp. "Jae?" He sat quietly then looked at me. His seemed...different. "Younghoon? You're alive?" I blinked rapidly as his hands found their way to my cheeks.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" His face was somber as he touched certain spots on my torso. "You're okay..." "Why wouldn't I be...? Jae, is everything alright?" He tilted his head then moved back. "Jae? I thought you were going to call me by something endearing." "When did I..." I trailed off as his whole demeanor was twisted. He seemed softer. Something had to have happened in his sleep, but what?


The rest of our flight to the ruins was silent and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd stay this way. Even Cutie seemed just as concerned. "There it is." I looked back at him only to see him hanging behind. "What's wrong?" "It's not here." "Yes it is." I grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him down to the ground with me. Hopefully these ruins could give me an answer on figuring him out.

We walked through and made our way down. "Where are we going? What will we do there? Why is it so dark? You look so much older. And you're so tall. W-" "Can you be quiet for just a moment?" I had snapped harder than I meant and he didn't bother to hide the fact that it hurt him. "Jae-" "Hoonie you meanie!" "H-Hoonie...?" He took off in the opposite direction then instantly disappeared. "Jaehyun!?" I checked the spot where I last saw him and confirmed he hadn't fallen through. I let out a frustrated yell as now it was like a game of hide and seek with a child.

Then it hit me. "Softer...childish...weird statements..." Somehow, he had reverted back to his child state from a hundred years ago. I didn't sense any magic on him, so it couldn't have been a person. Did his memories just suddenly unlock? What concerned me the most was how I was going to get him to revert back.

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