Old Friends, New Rivals

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Y/n p.o.v

'Y/n?' The leviathan said, tapping into my thoughts. It can use telepathy? Wait. 'Salat?' I ask. His eyes light up, and he takes a shell from the cliff and shoves it into my mouth. The air starts flowing, and so do the memories.


I ran from the forest, onto the beach, playing with my friends. We played on the beach almost all day, until I was the only one left standing the rocky shore. I smile, take a running start, and jump off the rocks into the ocean. 'Salat? Where are you?' I say into the rocks, using telepathy. A little flash of scales, then a baby leviathan shoots out of the rocks, and barrels into my stomach, 'I'm here! Wanna play hide and seek?' Salat asks. I pat the ecstatic monster on the head, 'okay, but this time, I'll hide, okay?'. He nods, and swims behind the coral fans, and starts counting. I swim to a patch of shells, picking out a zeyphr welp, a type of shell (that actually exists) that can filter water, and convet it into air. I placed it into my mouth, and breathed through it, swimming away into the kelp to hide.

It had been centuries the last time I saw the baby sea monster. Now, here he was, thirty feet long, and had grown all of his sea feathers. 'Y/n! It's been awhile, how are you? Are you okay? Did'cha get a boyfriend?' Salat asks, nuzzling his snout against my head, 'I'm fine! And no, I do not have a boyfriend.. ooohhh I see! How about you? Did you finally find a mate?' I ask him. The sea spirit nods, 'Yeah! I ran into her while hunting in the twilight zone! She's really nice, and looks like me! Except she has a different color scheme! She's beautiful! Hey, you should meet her! She's resting in a cave by the cliff!' I shake my head, 'I'm sorry Salat, but I can't! I have a friend who's probably flipping his lid if I don't get up there, I'll see you later! Maybe then I can meet her.' He looks slightly disappointed, but makes sure his strange smile, and swims me up to the surface. 'I'll see you soon, right?' He says, hugging me in between his huge claws and feathered wings, 'Don't worry, I'll see you again, maybe tomorrow! Does that sound okay?' He nods, and pushes me to the surface, 'how will you get back up?' He nervously asks, as my head breaks through the kelp, 'again, don't worry about me, I have a ton of magic now! You should go and make sure you're mate is okay, I'll see you later!' He nods, 'Okay, see you later!' And swims off. I sigh, and smile. I swim through the kelp, and walk onto the rocky shore, looking up at the cliff. Now... how to get back up... I walk farther down the shore, and see a boat. I look up, and see  a dingy ladder. Better than using more magic. I take hold of the ladder. It's ore firm than I thought it was. I ascended, climbing for about ten minutes until reaching the top. I hauled myself up onto the ground, and sighed, laying down. It looked much shorter from the bottom.

Sans p.o.v

"Where ta Hell is she?" I grumble, walking around the living room at y/ns house. I had called her phone at least ten times already, and she never picked it up. "SHELL BE HERE SOON, I HAVE NO DOUBT..." Papyrus says. After everyone fled from the terrorist attack at the festival, we all met at y/ns house. "W-Well, what if she's just held up? Maybe she got s-stuck in traffic..." Alphys stutters nervously. "I bet she's just beating some bad guys right now!" Undyne suggests, but I could see her worry. A knock on the door startled everyone, and I was the first to get to it. I flung it open, to see a smiling, soaked y/n, shivering on the steps. "H-Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late..." she says, walking in. Undyne runs over to y/n and bear hugs her, then noogies her, "Ow! Stop that!" Y/n yells. Undyne puts her down, and smiles, placing her fists on her hips, "Bonehead over there was worried sick!" She giggles. "WAS NOT!" I yell defensively. Undyne just raises her eyebrows and gives me a smug look, and walks away. I growl, and look back over at y/n, who has her hand over her mouth, "I'm so sorry... I should've come back sooner..." she shivers, and I sigh. "Don't sweat it, just get something warmer on.." I growl, still slighted. Y/n walked into her room, and shut the door. Did she fall into the ocean? Is that why she's sopping wet?  "I hate it whenever she tries ta hide crap from me..." I mumble, walking off. After that, everyone stayed at y/ns for the night, not wanting to go through the extreame traffic on the way home. "You'll get there by morning if you don't stay! Plus, I don't mind!" Y/n had said worriedly. After everyone had gone to bed, I went into the kitchen to see y/n drinking a glass of water, staring at the cup. I walked over to her, "Hey, what's up? You've been actin' all weird ever since ya got back.." I ask, sitting next to her. She continues to stare at the water, "It's just that... when I fell into the ocean with the Ferris wheel, I met someone I thought was dead..." she says quietly. I raise a brow, "An' who was dat?" I ask curiously. She looks around, and turns back to me, "A friend I had before... before my village burnt down... I thought he was dead this whole time, and as you know, I'm almost as old as you are... I thought he was dead for centuries, Sans... now I wonder, 'is there anyone else, who I had known, who's still alive? Convinced that everyone's they had knew and loved, was dead?'" She looks back at the glass, swirling the water around. "Well, how does you falling into ta ocean incorporate with that friend of yers?" I ask suspiciously. Y/n looks up at me, "Why do you want to know?" She says blankly. "Because. Curiosity." I grumble, getting slightly frustrated. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" She whispers, "I promise." I say, putting a hand in the air. Y/n smiles, "I saw my friend, Salat, he's a sea spirit in the form of a leviathan... please don't call me crazy..." she whispers nervously. I put a skeletal hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I believe ya. I've seen yer ability ta call spirits, like that time ya took Frisk ta school on ta weird flying wolf. I was watching through ta blinds." Y/n smiles, "Creep." She giggles playfully. I shrug, "What can I say, when ya here three voices, followed by a bunch o yips and barks, ya can't really help but look out tah window, but of course, it scared the livin sh**s outta me, seeing the human flying three hundread feet of ya ground on a golden wolf. Their mom would a killed me." I say, winking. Y/n laughs, and gets up, "I'm going to bed, you should to Sans. I assume we both have some pretty tight schedules tomorrow." I nod, and watch as y/n walks to her room. She's right.. I walk to my room, and close the door. I fall onto the bed, and immediately fall asleep.

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