unintentionally hurting|Chapter 12

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"I - I.."she stutters her mind telling her he is just pretending, just for now but the touch of his arm on her shoulder and his face near her, him smiling at her seems real. Even though she knows it's fake, it seems real and she feels foolish for her to wish that.

"Look dude. We were talking-" Jay interrupts irritated and slightly annoyed with Harshad's presence, sending him a scowl to which Harshad is very delighted to reply with smirk. His arm tightening on her, scooting her towards him, close to him making her heart skyrocket.

"And I am her boyfriend incase you didn't hear the first time. So butt out" Harshad smirks not at all pleased with these men as Jennifer hangs on to his each word.

"Come on babe, let's go"he says smiling down at her, his smile drops a little worry making its presence felt as he sees her shaken up a little and he knows she is strong - stronger than any of them really, than him. She is strong and can take care of herself very well so to see her disturbed, unsure, mum makes his heart boil. Because she was supposed to enjoy tonight, supposed to have a great time tonight but she is not, she is here shaken slightly with the encounter and this men closing up on her, touching her because he did saw that, saw that man's hand moving near her, saw her flinch as it brushed her skin.

And that made him flinch as well, her hesitant eyes scratching his heart because its always been like that isn't it. If Jennifer is happy and calm and enjoying then so is he. But if she is sad then it's impossible for him to not be sad too.

So he grabs her elbow and motions her to move forward, away from these dirty men. But his temper announces himself, not able to control when he notices their eyes raking down her body, gazing at her behind and so he stops, his fingers in a tight clutch as he turns around, pushes her behind him away from their malicious stare making her confused and slightly worried as he speaks, his voice dark filled with warning

"And you don't even bat an eye towards her. I know she is fucking sexy but all that is only mine to touch. So the next time I see you anywhere near her or even batting your eyes at her I won't hesitate to slap some bitch. Got that?!" he bites unable to stop, his eyes dark screaming violence. He stops from moving further as Jennifer clutches his shirt tightly, pulling him to her worried about his actions knowing his temper.

She pulls him to her making him look down at her, his eyes instantly changing to its earlier calm color and she breathes deeply, relieved and tugs him away muttering to come, a ting of pink on her cheeks at his words.

"What?"he asks as they move away towards their friends as he watches her shake her head.

She looks at him as she mutters clearly embarrassed because of his choice of words "Was it necessary to say all that?"

"Well, it was. They won't even dare to  come near you"he pointedly says quiet adamant at his actions. Those bitches needed to be scared and he definitely enjoyed the scowl on their faces.

"Not that..."she sighs as she tries to point at him describing her, calling her sexy and the feeling she has right now, the one of strange happiness although the way it had sounded was nowhere innocent.

"Then what?" he asks not having a clue about what she was talking about.

"N-nothing. Let's go, everyone would be waiting"she shakes her head letting her fingers loose on his shirt before walking towards their table quickly and taking her seat besides one of her friend knowing it is lost cause.


"Jenny! Jenny! Get down from their!" a very distressed Harshad yells as he watches helplessly at Jennifer who is on the top of the bar, hands up in the yelling trying to dance as the moves she were doing was more than enough, not to mention the jacket she had removed throwing it on his face about 45 minutes ago. It had been a long time since they had returned to their table and the party had officially started.

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