Chapter 2

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Previously on The Wolf Shifter's Saviour:

I slowly follow him into unfamiliar hallways. We take a few turns before reaching a room with a long table, accompanied by a large amount of chairs. As I survey the new environment, I don't notice him leave the room. I am pulled out of my thoughts when he re-enters holding two bowls, one filled with a green substance and the other a clear liquid. I recognise the liquid as water, however the green substance is unfamiliar to me.

"It tastes better than it looks" he assures, placing the bowls in front of me.

I lap up some of the water quickly before turning my attention to the "food". I bring my nose towards it and smell it, but find that it has no scent. I look at the substance with curiosity and give it a taste. It doesn't have the best taste, but it's better than starving. I ignored the poor taste and devour the bowl's contents.

"Well that didn't last long" he jokes.

I wag my tail happily and lick his hand as a thank you. He smiles and pats my head in return. However, we are interrupted when a group of people slowly enter the room. I hide myself behind Keith, feeling strangely safe around him.

"Now that you're more settled, I think it's time we talked, Wolf Shifter" Allura speaks up with a gentle smile.


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They all take a seat at the large table. I follow Keith closely and take a seat next to his chair, watching the others faces with caution.

"So, can you really understand us?" Pidge asks curiously.

I give her a nod in confirmation and she squeals excitedly. I shift closer to Keith, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Sorry" She says sheepishly, as Keith puts a comforting hand on my head.

"Do you think you could shift into your human form so we can communicate better?" Allura asks kindly.

'How do I tell her that I never learnt how to shift?'

I tilt my head in a manner that shows confusion to try and get my point across.

"You don't know how to?" She furrows her brows.

I shake my head 'no'. She has a thoughtful expression for a moment, before her face lights up with an idea.

"Pidge, why don't you check the castle hard drive for anything relating to Wolf Shifters and the planet Lunar Lupus. There might be some information that can help us teach her how to shift" she suggests.

"Ok sure" Pidge agrees.

"In the meantime, why don't the rest of you gain her trust and get her cleaned up. Coran and I will help Pidge with the research" she suggests to the group.

Everyone nods in agreement and Allura, Pidge and who I presume to be Coran exit the room. I am now left with Keith, Shiro, Lance and another guy I'm yet to learn the name of.

"I think we should start with gaining her trust" Shiro suggests to the small group.

"This'll be easy" Lance says confidently, rising from his seat and walking towards me.

"Lance" Kieth warns. "You can't just walk up to her like that".

"Sure I can" He continues to get closer.

I back away from him slowly, but he doesn't stop.

"Lance!" I hear Shiro call out as I back up to a wall.

With nowhere to escape, my Wolf instincts take control and I release a low growl. He reaches out towards me, ignoring my obvious threats. When he's a centre meter away from me I pounce, pinning him to the ground with a snarl. He releases a girlish scream as I growl in his face, my claws digging into his armoured chest. I hear footsteps rushing towards us, so I snap my head up with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, calm down. No ones going to hurt you" Keith tries to reassure my growling form.

Lance's armour starts to crack beneath my large paws as I keep my eyes locked on Keith.

"He didn't know what he was doing. Just give him a chance" he continues.

I growl in protest and he gives me a gentle smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Please" he pleads.

I look at the terrified face of Lance, then back to Keith's pleading smile. I sigh, releasing a puff of air through my nose. I nod my head and release the boy. Relieved sighs fill the room as Keith smiles and scratches behind my ear. I lean into his touch and close my eyes.

"Lance, you can't approach her like that" Shiro scolds.

"Sorry" Lance says, pushing himself into a sitting position.

"It's not me you should apologise to" Shiro scowls as I look in their direction.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he say with regret covering his features.

He looks down at his hands on his lap, it's obvious that he's upset. I get the feeling that he's not the type of person to get upset about things, so I cautiously approach him. The others watch as I lean down and nudge his hand with my nose. He looks up curiously and lifts his hand up, I allow him to place it on my head and his eyes widen. Once he gets over his initial shock, he starts to pet my head with a wide smile.

"Keith's not so special after all" he smirks, I growl lightly and pull away.

I turn around, flicking him in the face with my tail, and walk over to Keith. Keith smirks and pets my head. Lance pouts and Shiro chuckles.

"Now that that's been sorted out, it's Hunk's turn to gain her trust" he says turning to the guy I now know as 'Hunk'.

He looks terrified at the mention of him going next. I smile to myself.

'This guy wouldn't hurt a fly. I don't need to worry about him'

To Be Continued...

(A/N: I apologise for the long wait, I've been working on other things and haven't had the time. I'll try the get chapters for this book out more frequently.)

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