Part II

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My heart starts to beat fast again. I could feel the cold wind sweep through my whole body. I haven't felt this nervous since I asked this girl to be my girlfriend eight years ago. But this time it's a different kind of nervousness.

He's asking me to say the words I've been staying up all night trying to memorize but couldn't seem to make up with all the stutter my mouth kept making.

He's asking me to say the words I've never expressed—- let alone mention to anyone before!

But I knew this was the right moment to let it all out; so I turn to the woman next to me.

She turns, her face now looking at me,  is making me go crazy as hell! Her eyes look like they're glittering in the light. Enough to melt me into pieces. 

"Shen Yue," I stutter... "Heaven knows how hard it was for us to get here." Really, it was.

"I knew the moment I grabbed your hands and clasped them in mine as you were shivering in that god-forsaken winter night while we were at The Inn that I wanted to take care of you for the rest of my life." I reach out to grab her left hand, pressing it as I say these words. She presses it back in reply and smiles.

"I knew it the moment the fans started attacking you, calling you names, saying you weren't good enough, that I wanted to protect you for the rest of my life." I add. This time, I could feel heat coming through my gut.

It always angered me when people called her names or thinking she wasn't enough for anything because heaven knows, this girl deserves all the best in the world. I just wish I could make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world like she deserves.

"I knew it the moment you broke down in tears because you couldn't get your character right when you got that major role in a movie that I wanted to be the shoulder you would cry on for the rest of your life." I breathe heavily again. Tears started to drip from my face.


"Didi, what do I do!" Shen Yue cries. "I'm so tired! I really can't do this." She kept mumbling in between gushes of tears.

"Baobei, I keep telling you over and over again. YOU. CAN. DO. IT." He grabs her by the shoulders to reassure her and wipes her tears with his hand.

"But I can't!! We're going to start filming in two days but I still can't get my character right!" She cries back, her voice now getting louder as she yells at him.

"Now now, Shen Yue.... stop crying please? Didn't I already tell you? You're the most amazing, best actress in the whole wide universe!" He stretches out his left arm while he cradles Shen Yue on his right.

"You don't understand. This is my dream role." She sobs, her body leaning completely surrendered to his. "I've been wanting to have a role like this since I first saw the movie when I was 12. Now I finally get to have a role like hers but I can never do it right." Her hands now covering her face as her sobbing continues.

"They're going to make fun of me, Di. They're going to say I can't act or that I don't deserve this role." She turns her head to face him in plea. His eyes, now filled with grief over her words. She's broken and he knows exactly how she feels.

"Shen Yue..."

"They're going to say real mean things Di" she fires again. "I don't want my director to get disappointed in me, Di!" She sulks again, now her sobs getting louder.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." He moves to straighten her body up, wipes her tears with his thumbs and brushes the messy hair that was all over her face.

"I know this is very important to you, and I know exactly how you feel, okay? Remember when I first got my historical role in Ever Night?"

"Yes" she replies. Her voice sounding like a five year old.

"It wasn't easy for me too, remember? I didn't know what or how to do a fantasy role too! Remember how angry my director was with all the NGs? We took almost a hundred takes for just one action sequence! A hundred!!"

Her sob seemed to stop with his expressive tone.

"I didn't think I could do it that time too——"

"You called me up"

"Yes, and to be honest, I almost cried too."

"I know, I could tell." She raised her right hand to caress his face.

He giggles, reaching her hand that was settled on his face and kisses it.

"Yes, I.... almost cried."

"Liar. You did." She smiles teasingly.

"I didn't!" He grins back.

"You did!! I could hear it!"

"Alright, whatever! I cried or not, it's not important." He fires back.

"Ha! I knew it!" She points her finger up in victory.

"Hao hao...." he rolls his eyes. "There goes that beautiful smile." His turn to caress her face.

"Didi!" She screams, annoyed as she remembers she was in a dilemma.

He gives her a glare. "Love, what did you learn from my story?" He grabs her by the chin and wiggles it to make her understand.

"I didn't think I could do it too, right? But I still went there and faced my fears, right?"


"So I know that if I could do it, then so can you, you hear me? YOU. CAN. DO. IT." He reaffirms.

"Repeat after me. I. CAN. DO. IT." His hand still pressing her chin.

"I. CAN. DO. IT." She echoes.

"YOU. CAN. DO. IT." He repeats.

"I CAN DO IT", she follows.

"Very good." He replies.

"But Didi!" She tries to reason again.

"Shen Yue!" Now he's yelling. "Stop worrying. That's not going to help you." He adds.

She sighs in defeat. "Stop worrying about what failing or what other people will think or say. I know you can do it and so should you." His voice now stern. "You've been waiting for this your whole life, right?" He moves closer in on her face and looks her straight in the eyes.

"Yes..." she replies.

"Then you gotta ace it. You can do this and I know you're going to be amazing. You hear me?" His voice sounding firm.

"Yes." She replies in compliance. Her voice louder. His words seem to have reached to her as she straightens herself up.

"Now that's my girl." He smiles, stroking her face with his finger, leans in to give her a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you", she whispers.

"I love you." He replies.


A/N: To those who have read this story before the added sequence, thank you for reading the story again and sorry you missed this the first time!

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