Part IV

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"Whoo-hoo! It's your turn, Shen Yue!", screams Xize. Then the whole crowd bursts out in laughter.

"Hi...", she starts, her voice sounding shy but she keeps smiling still. "I love you", her words, sounding like whispers, sending shivers down my spine. Her voice starting to crack as she fixes her gaze at me. I give her a smile. My eyes still watery from the outburst.

"I could finally say I love you

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"I could finally say I love you... in front of these hundreds of people." she smiles to me; her voice shaking.

"In front of millions.... billions of people who are probably going to read this on the internet and seeing it on the news, that I love you, Wang He Di. My bao bei." She chuckles, her tears starting to flow from all corners of her eyes.

"Like you said, it took us a great deal to get to this place. It hasn't been the most peaceful decade for our relationship and we had to go through a lot just to keep our relationship strong.

I admit, Wang He Di, there have been many times when I thought to myself that I should probably quit this. That I should probably end everything we have because I could no longer take all the hate that I was receiving from people who didn't want us together. I wanted to quit so many times, Didi." she breaks, her voice starting to shake.

"But you know, every time I looked at you, with the same tired eyes looking back at me, I knew I'd rather lose everything just to be with you. I didn't care if the world wanted to throw eggs at me. I didn't care if I get bashed on social media or be called names because they hated me for being close with you.

I knew the moment you walked towards me, with tired eyes almost wanting to shut from the tears that you shed when we had that major fight, that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. That I choose you."

The crowd echoed in "awws".

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