t h r e e

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Taylor's POV

I didn't know what Harry meant with the 'Be careful with Zayn' part. I dont understand, Why should I be careful with Zayn?
He seemed really nice, when we ate breakfast.

But I decided to let it go, and just packed my things and was ready to go for my next class.

"Tay, wait up." Harry said and he placed his notebooks and pens inside his bag. And I waited for him, so we could go to class together, because For the next four classes he was my classmate.

He finally placed his bag over his shoulder, and we left the room.

"Im sorry about what I said earlier." Harry said nonchalantly as we were walking.

"Its alright. Its not a big deal anyway."

"You know, We have a free period."

"Free period?" I said confused.

"Yeah, Ms. Nancy left the school earlier because she has some important things to do."

Ms. Nancy was our Biology Teacher. She was always present, and she always tells us to be present at all Times. Well, I guess Ms. Nancy breaks her own rules.

"So what are you planning for the next 50 minutes? Now that Ms. Nancy's gone."

"Well, I was wondering if you know how to play the guitar..?" Harry said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, I do. And why?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me how to play the guitar. I mean its okay if you dont want to-"

"No, No, Its alright. I dont mind giving up some free lessons." I said maybe a little bit to early and I said with a grin.

"Thanks. I think we should go to the cafeteria, The classroom will be empty anyways."

"Isn't that a good thing? The classroom will be empty so we could practice there and there will be no distractions, it'll be easier to teach you."

"Whatever you say Ms.Swift" He said and he saluted and I just chuckled at his expression.

Once we entered the classroom, there was no students. It was completely deserted. We placed our bags on the chair and I grabbed a guitar that was placed in the corner.
Ms. Nancy always had this guitar, because sometimes she would play it if we had nothing to do.

I sat next to Harry and started teaching him the basics.

"So this is the 'C'. " And I placed my fingers on the strings to show him.

And I started showing him the other basic chords.

"Well thats a lot of them."

"Trust me, it gets a whole lot bigger. Anyway, do you know how to play the basic chords?" I asked

"I'll try." And I handed him the guitar.

He played the C really great, but when he started playing the 'D' it went downhill from there.

I held his fingers and placed them in the right position. But when I held his fingers, I felt something...different in a long time.

I didn't notice I was still holding his hand, until he cleared his throat.

"Im sorry." I mumbled, clearly embarrassed and feeling my cheeks go red.

"Its alright. By the way, your hands are freezing. Are you cold?"

"No, its alright. I can handle it."

Then he removed his coat and handed placed it on my shoulders.

"Here you go. "

"No, this is yours. You should-"

"You should wear it for the meantime."

"Thanks." I said and smiled.

"I guess we both embarrassed ourselves in front of each other."

"I wasn't embarrassed." I defended.

"Your red cheeks says it all." Harry said as he smirked.

"Fine, Im really sorry for what happened earlier, I was just lost for a minute."

"Its fine. I even enjoyed it." Harry said, but he mumbled the last part which I couldn't hear.

"Sorry, Didn't got that last part." I said.

"I said, Its alright." And he smiled nervously.

Then the bell rang, it was time to go to another class.

We grabbed our bags, and headed towards for the next class.

I really didn't know what happened earlier. I just felt something...like a spark. But no, I couldn't be falling for him. I just met Harry yesterday.
Plus, every girl throws themselves at him.
I just couldn't fall for him.

Harry's POV

Once she held my fingers, I felt something strange. I just couldn't explain it.

I really dont know why I said I enjoyed while she held my hands. But Im glad she didn't heard it.

Am I falling for her? No, I couldn't. I just met her. Plus, there's many girls out there who are better.

But maybe Im just saying that now, Maybe I could actually fall for her.


This chapter is not edited.

Hope you guys like the new update!

Photo above will be the classroom.

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