t h i r t y - o n e

390 20 8

Taylor's POV

I was in the middle of writing the last lines of my song when I heard a fair number of knocks at the door.

I set aside the notebook from my lap and stood up from the bed. I stretched for a bit, feeling some parts of my body ache. I must've been sitting there for the whole time and I probably got carried away. The knocking continued and I hurried up to go to the door.

I opened the door to see Selena holding a white paper bag and two cups of what I'm assuming is hot chocolate. She gave me a bright smile, a smile that lights up the whole night.

I stepped aside to let her in, she went inside and I closed the door behind her.

She placed the the paper bag and the two cups she's holding on the bedside table and sat down on the bed, letting her feet float just a few inches from the floor and she let her arms spread across the matress.

"Selena, what brings you here? You didn't told me you were coming over." I said while I sat at the edge of the bed that hasn't been occupied by her arms.

Well, I really shouldn't be that surprise. Today's Saturday, and sir cancelled practices for today. He called in sick and he couldn't make it to the campus, so we had free time today. Which gave me more time to finish the song.

"I just thought that it'll be a great idea to visit you. You know, since its we have nothing to do and its a Saturday night​ so I thought maybe we could watch a movie? And I also brought some snacks too." Selena said and sat up from the bed.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan. But you wouldn't mind if I just write the last lines of my song, right?"

"Of course not, and you finally finished your song?" She asked and grabbed the notebook from where I placed it a while a go.

"Yep, I just have to add a little more additions and it'll be good to go." I said and she gave me the notebook so I can get started on and finally finish it.

I was about to continue writing down the last lyrics of the song that I just came up with a few hours ago when she suddenly spoke up.

"But before that, can I borrow your laptop? So I can search what movie we're going to watch." She said and popped the lid of her own cup, sending the aroma of the hot chocolate to the whole room.

"Of course." I replied and stood up from my seat to get my laptop that I haven't used in a while.

Once I got my laptop out of my drawer I gave it to Selena and she searched for movies that we could watch, probably another cliche romance movie while I got into my own business of finishing this song.

After for about half an hour later, I finally finished the song. And thank god that I'm finally done with this. Everything's done, including the additional lyrics and I already edited it. It's finally complete and now I just have to wait for Wednesday to come around so I can play this to sir.

"I'm done." I sighed contentedly and lied back down on the bed, letting my back sink of the soft duvet.

"Great! You know, I'd love to hear it fully but I found this movie and it looks pretty good." Selena said, not tearing her gaze from the screen

I closed the notebook with the pen still inside, and placed it on the ground. I'll just get it later after we watch the movie, that Selena handpicked herself.

I sat beside where Selena is sitting and I looked at the screen to see what movie she picked.

From the layout of the page, I could tell that she opened my Netflix account. And knowing Selena, of course she picked a cliche romance movie.

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