t w e n t y - s e v e n

370 20 11

Harry's POV

Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the sun reflecting through my face. I was about to drift off to sleep again, but I felt someone place the tip of their finger on my bare chest.

I fluttered my eyes open and squinted as the morning daylight flashed before my eyes. I realized that the walls were in a shade of pastel pink with white frames hanging on the walls. And I knew this isn't my dorm.

"Morning, had fun last night?" Someone greeted beside me and I knew the voice all too well.

I turn my attention and gaze to the person who greeted me, and I should've known better.

"Kendall, I– um.. What even happened last night?" I asked.

I looked at my surroundings, I was in bed and I was only wearing boxers while the white blanket is covering me from the chilly atmosphere. And Kendall was wearing a shirt, and I swear I think that's mine.

Then, I felt a sudden headache. I could feel my head pounding and it makes me dizzy and nauseous. I closed my eyes for a second as my headache became worse.

"Oh, you have a headache don't you? Let me get you some aspirin." Kendall said once I opened my eyes.

She removed the white duvet that's covering her and stood up from the bed. Once she stood up, she's only wearing a shirt that barely covers her legs like the skirt she wore last night.

Last night..

Shit, I should've seen it coming. That explains why I'm only in my boxers and she's wearing my shirt.
But I honestly don't remember a thing, well.. at least for now.

She went to her desk and grabbed a small packet of aspirin and made a glass of water. She came back with the glass of water in her hand with the packet of aspirins with her other hand.

She handed them to me and I accepted it. Once I drank the aspirin with some warm water that she made, I felt the headache subsided a bit and lightened up.

"I'm guessing you don't remember a thing from last night." She said once I finished drinking the aspirin.

"Y-yeah. I don't even remember how we got into your room. And you're in my shirt, why are you– Oh shit, did we..?" I asked, it suddenly occured to me the reason why I'm in her room. We couldn't have done it, could we?

And fuck, Taylor. I just suddenly remembered Taylor. How could I be that oblivious? We couldn't have done something wild..right?

"Um.. well.. last night. We kinda m-made out? And, um.. we actually did it."

I couldn't even reply to her, I couldn't even utter a single word. We did it? Shit, now I'm suddenly feeling guilty. I still have a wonderful girlfriend who loves me and I cheated on her. She doesn't deserve this, it's unfair. I just hope that she doesn't know all about this.

"Shit, Kendall. I need to go." I said while removing the duvet covers over me and standing up.

I could feel the chilly breeze wrapped around my body once I stood up, which gave chills running down my spine but I honestly couldn't care less about that now.

"What time is it?" I asked while I found my pants on the floor, beside her bedside table.

"Nine o'clock."

I muttered a swear word under my breath. Not only that I cheated on Taylor, but I'm also late for my first and second period.

"Don't worry, classes are cancelled for today. There's a sudden snow blizzard and the students who went home couldn't come back to the campus." She explained and I somewhat exhaled a sigh of relief. But the weight on my shoulders is still there as I know that I still have to sort things out with Taylor. Maybe I can talk to her, there's no classes after all.

After putting my pants on and Kendall gave me my shirt back. She changed first before she gave it back. I've seen enough of her body last night, that I couldn't even remember.

Once I settled everything, I left Kendall's dorm without a proper goodbye as she didn't even need one.

I walked through the hallways as Kendall's dorm isn't that far from Taylor's. Walking towards her dorm made me nauseous. The thought of what's coming next made me shiver, and it wasn't because of the cold.
But, maybe should look on the bright side. Maybe she doesn't even know that Kendall and I made out. Maybe she has no idea at all. Although, everything is just a maybe.

While walking towards Taylor's dorm that's just a few rooms away, u stumbled on Niall who's also walking the opposite direction of me.

"Hey Harry, last night was wild, wasn't it?" He greeted and we both stop in our tracks.

"Oh, I honestly don't even remember a single thing." I admitted.

"Well, you did several bottles of beer. But I have something to maybe make you remember what happened last night."

Before I could reply, he pulled out his phone from his right side pocket. He unlocked his phone, and he stood beside me and I got a glimpse of what seems like..a video.

He played the video, from what I believe he recorded last night.

There were two people, standing closely. His arms wrapped around her waist and her arms are on his neck. The gap of their lips are just inches away from touching, and the crowd was wild. Cheering and chanting for them to kiss. And I knew who that two people were. It's obviously me and Kendall. And my heart is pounding from the thought of it. Until she leaned forward, and closed the small gap between our lips. My heart started to race and I'm already starting to feel more guilt wash it over me. But what shocks me the most is when I kissed back.

I stood beside Niall, speechless and stunned. I feel the color of my face slowly draining, if that's even possible and I could feel my shaky breath.

What have I done?

The video ended, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I could feel my palms getting sweaty and my heart started to race faster.

"Anything else happened last night?" I asked, I just wanted to know if there's anything else that happened that I couldn't even remember.

"Well, after your kiss. Kendall dragged you out, and we're guessing that you did it last night. Didn't you?"

"Uh– y-yeah. Niall, I've got to go. Thanks for the showing me the video."

Before he could reply I started walking pass him, I walked faster to Taylor's dorm that's just at the end of the hallway.

Once I reached her door, I took a deep breath and wiped my palms against my jeans.

She doesn't know, right? or does she?

I guess I'll just have to find out.


guys, someone messaged me and asked if the school and the dorms are connected and if they're just in one place..

and yes, it's in one place.

it's kind of like a boarding school if that makes sense. i hope this clears up the confusion! if you have any questions, just comment them and i'll do my best to answer right away!

and also, i'm sorry if there are some inaccurate details about their school. i'm not american & idk how their school system works. i just know that it's very different from where i live.

thanks for reading!

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