new clan part 2 the warrior

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Jake couldn't move. He forced him self to open his eyes. He found him self's on the back of the cyber warrior

"Where am I ?" Jake questioned

"Your are a prisoner of the cyber warriors" the metal cat responded

Jake remembered what ivy pool had told him "They remove the ability to feal pain and joy" this horrified him

"Don't worry Jake this is a gift" the cyber cats reassured

"Wait how do you know my name" Jake said in surprise

The cyber cat remained silent before speaking "we met once before in my old life" 

Jake eyes widened in horror. As he remembered what ivy pool had told him, the cyber men ripped cats out of star clan to turn them into more cyber warriors "tall tale" Jake shuttered

"Correct" the cat that once was tall star said as they entered a rabbit hole

"That's a good questioned but you know what's a even better questioned" the medicine cat said "have you seen any thing weird or a cat that calls himself the warrior"

"I'm the one who should be asking questions" the tom hissed 

"Ok I'm the medicine cat and this is ivy pool" the medicine cat said "and your my oldest friends isn't that right warrior"

The tom reminded silenced before grinning "can't get anything past you old friend"

"But that's not really true" the warrior said "all those life's you could of saved if only noticed me" he sneered

"Is that him" ivy pool whispered the medicine cat nodded in response

"I see you've got a new pet"  The warrior said with a grin

"I'm not an a kitty pet" ivy pool hissed

"Why are you here" the warrior said "because I don't think you and little miss clan came here for little old me"

"Well we are actually here to bring you back to time clan" the medicine cat "but know we have other problems"

"Come on you two" the medicine cat said

"And why would I every come with you" the warrior said 

"Because your stuck here" the medicine cat said "Your pretending to be a thunder clan warrior, your stuck here"

"And your only way of this plant is my tardis" the medicine cat said beginning to walk off "Come on" he said with ivy pool at his heals

The warrior muttered something before following them

Jake felt himself get thrown against the wall

He looked up at the cat that once was tall star as he shut the cage

Medicine cat where are you Jake thought to him self

medicine cat who (doctor who x warrior cats) Book2Where stories live. Discover now