new clan part 3 cyber love

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"What about Jake" ivy pool said as she entered the tardis

"Don't worry I have a plan" the medicine cat said as he pressed buttons

"You've still got this old thing" the warrior said

"Oi she's not old" the medicine cat said "Your not old sexy" he whispered to the tardis

The tardis landed in what looked like a rabbit hole what got more metallic as it went down "ok down we go" said the medicine cat

The three cats climbed further down into the pit "so what happened to dawn heat" the warrior asked "please tell me she died"

The medicine cat grinned "nope Alive and well"

"Great" the warrior beamed "I still can kill her or plant pond here"

"Don't you dare" the medicine cat hissed

"It's ivy pool" the she cat hissed

"What are you doing here" the three cats turned to around to be greeted by a cyber cat "do not move you are a prisoner of the cyber warriors"

They where led in to a room with five new cyber warriors and two Busted cyber warrior's

"Cyber warriors I see that took my advice and change your name" The medicine cat smiled "where's Jake"

The cyber warriors staid silenced "we do not have your companion" cyber star said

"But that's impossible unless he's dea-" "who cares" the warrior said cutting him off  "listen you probably want to upgrade the new clans, correct"


"Well I can help" the warrior grinned "I have a tardis"

"Warrior don't your dare" the medicine cat hissed

"You could upgrade the new clans and then upgrade clans threw out time and space" he grinned "You just need a time cat to fly it, me"

The cyber warriors just stirred "or would you rather just kill me"

"Deleted him" the busted cyber star ordered

The warrior yowled in pain as he was deleted. His body fell to the ground with a thud

"No" the ivy pool screeched "How are we going to get fern song back" she began to panic

"Don't worry he's not dead" the medicine cat said "not for long any ways"

Ivy pool looked confused "What do you mea-" ivy pool stopped as the warrior's body began to glow like fire "I'm going to miss this body" the warrior before he was engulfed in flames

"What's happening" Ivy pool asked

"He's regenerating" the medicine cat "the medicine cat responded "and where escaping" he said as they ran to an exit

The flames destroyed the cyber base until a red and white tom emerged from the flames "coming medicine cat"

They ran into a prison. They ran along the cells until they came across a familiar ginger tom.

"Medicine cat! ivy pool!" Jake exclaimed

"Hello jake" the medicine cat smiled as he pulled out his sonic stick. The cage clicked open and Jake ran out.

"Thanks" Jake said

"Hey!" The three turned to see the warrior run up to them.

"Who's that" Jake asked

"The warrior" Ivy pool responded

"Hello, I'm the cat who is hopefully going to kill you" the warrior grinned

"for star clans sake! come on!" Ivy pool  said

"Wait what about tall tail" Jake said

"Who?" Ivy pool questioned

"Tall tail! he's in one of those cyber suits" Jake said

"Jake I'm so sorry" the medicine cats "its not a suit. The cat you knew is dead all that's left is the brain"


"I'm sorry" the medicine cat said

"He's with star clan now" Ivy pool said

"Know then" the medicine cat "since theres know way out" he said pulling out his sonic stick "say hello to the ship that only I can pilot" the Sonic stick made the tardis appeared and the four climbed in.

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