New clan part 4 memory

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"That tall tale, he was the wind clan cat that told you about the clans" ivy pool asked once they where on the tardis and on their  way to time clan

"Yes" Jake responded

"You loved him didn't you"

Jake sighed "yes"

"Why didn't you go with back to wind clan" the she cat asked

"He and I have lived different happy lifes before we met" Jake whispered "if one of us left that life we wouldn't be happy, he was a warrior and a warrior to the end"

"You made the right choice" ivy pool said "when your warrior's name get swapped out for star it means leader"

A smile crept on Jake's face "was he a great leader"

"Definitely" the she cat responded

The tardis came to a stop "where here" the medicine cat said as he walked around to the tardis doors.

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