cats in London part 3 wait

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The medicine cat awoke in a cage next to sun paw "grandfather"

The cats began to nuzzle each other. The medicine cat took the time to look around at the cages. In the last room different animals where in the same cage but in this time, the dogs where together, the lions where together, the birds where together, the pigs where together and the cats where together, that include ivy pool, jake and fern song.

They know that me and sun paw aren't from this world otherwise we would be with the cats.

I try to pull out the sonic stick but of course they took it.

I try to call out to jake and ivy pool but they couldn't hear me over the noise.

I began to think what they could want with all these animals then it hit me. Their probably working with the siltheen, that probably ment we'll be skinned and have our meat sold on the black market, after they'd destroyed the planet, just to get a little bit more money.

I was hopeless I didn't have my companions or my Sonic.

My only hope was to wait for the doctor. Wait and hope.

Ivy pool looked at the toms next to her as all the cats settled down for sleep.

Fernsong was the first to sleep whilst Jake tossed and turned but then a pain of guilt shot threw her as she felt fern songs fur against hers.

She remembered how fern song had offered to stay in the den with the kits and how did she repay him by running of with a cat that she didn't even know. And what will the clan think.

All these thoughts was all accompany that she got as she fell asleep.


The medicine cat sat up as he watched the roof collapsed inwards breaking some of cages and freeing the animals, including his cage.

The medicine cat and sun paw jumped out along with fleeing animals.

The medicine cat discovered a corps of a catheen and next to it was a stick. A sonic stick.

"Sun paw go to the tardis" the medicine cat ordered

"Right" the apprentice said running away

The medicine cat dived back into the rubble.

He first saved the pigs and then the dogs before running to the cats.

The cage clicked opened and the cats ran by. "Medicine cat!" Ivy pool and Jake yelled with fern song at there heals

"Come on lets go" the blue tom yelled as they ran for the exit

The four ran for the tardis.

"Your back" sun paw said excitedly

"Barley" jake gasped

"So where's next" sun paw asked

"A pet shop" the medicine cat said

"Wait what" the apprentice said

"how many times do I to tell you, my life is dangerous" the tom said firmly before turning to the consuls

"Ok" Sun paw said calmly before pulling a device

"What is that" ivy pool asked

"a vortex manipular" the medicine cat exclaimed

"Where did she hide that" fern song exclaimed

"My fur is bigger on side" she said "if you will not take me with you I'll explore the universe my self"

"No!" The medicine cat yelled but it was to late, the she cat had pressed the button and she was gone.

"She's gone" the medicine cat cried

"Don't worry medicine cat you'll get her back" jake said

"How do you know" the blue tom hissed

"You've saved both me and ivy pool from cyber warriors and  managed to save the world countless times, your the medicine cat and if she's anything like you she'll before fine"

The medicine cat was silenced for a moment before smiling "thank you"

"So I guess its back to thunder clan with you" the medicine cat said to fern song

"Actually I was wondering if fern song wanted to come" Ivy pool said

"Are you sure" fern song asked

"Its not fair that I get to escape the kits and not you" ivy pool smiled

Fern song smiled "I would love too"

The two looked at the medicine cat "alright" he said looking at the his third companion.

medicine cat who (doctor who x warrior cats) Book2Where stories live. Discover now