cats in London part 1

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"Where in a two leg place" fern song gasped

"SUN PAW!" the medicine cat called

"Don't worry medicine cat" Jake smiled "we'll find her" the tom said trying to clam him down. It failed.

"We need to split up" the medicine cat spoke "Jake your with me, ivy pool and fern song check over there" he said "oh and by the way" the medicine cat said facing fern song "this two leg place is called London".


"Is he always like this" fern song asked

"Normally he's more charming" ivy pool responded "so what happened?"

"You had just left with the medicine cat and then there was this light" fern song explained "next thing I knew, I was in a different clan"

"Oh" ivy pool whispered "sorry to drag you into this"

"Its not your fault"

They continued walking into an alleyway to be met by two scrawny cats.

"What do you want" they hissed

"We don't want any trouble" ivy pool said "we looking for our friend, brown fur, strange eyes"

The two estranged a look before giving them a kind smile "oh you mean sun paw, the poor kitten was so scared" said the she cat

"You must be her parents" the tom said

"Yes" ivy pool lied 

"Follow us then" they said nudging a door open.

Ivy pool and fern song exchanged a look of concern before entering.

The door was shut behind before fern song let out a horrific scream

(Cue doctor who theme song)

"I can't believe it" jake said

"I've only seen this place on tv" the kitty pet said in wonder "I didn't even think it was real"

"Welcome to London" the medicine cat said with a small smile "its kind of like thunder clan, thunder clan is always getting prophecies and London is always being invaded" he explained as they turned a corner to be met by a familiar noise.

"Is that"

"yep" the medicine cat said pulling the kitty pet behind the appearing blue box.

Once it had landed to twolegs stepped out.

"How long have I been gone" the female asked

"About 12 hours" the man who jake assumed was the doctor.

"Why dose he sound different" Jake asked

"He regenerate, didn't ivy pool tell about it" the medicine cat whispered as jake shook his head. After explaining what happens when one regenerated, the doctor and the twoleg spoke again "Right I won't be long I'm going to see my mom"

"Your going to tell her" the doctor asked

"I don't know, I've been to the year 5 billion and I've only bin gone for 12 hours" the two leg joked before walking off. Soon followed by the doctor, who well ran.

The medicine cat and jake came out from their hiding place "some ones in trouble" the medicine cat commented as the doctors ran

"Shouldn't we help" jake asked

"Its his problem and we've got ours" the medicine cat said.

medicine cat who (doctor who x warrior cats) Book2Where stories live. Discover now