A mysterious justu

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Please take notice that this is my first fanfiction! I'm not the best at English, but it should be fine. Rated K+, no REAL parings, enjoy!

The blonde boy and the raven-haired girl were sitting in a vent over the Hokage office. They were eavesdropping on what the hokage was talking about. "How did I get myself caught up in this mess".. Sarada exclaimed. "Shut up! Do you want him to hear us!?" "Alright alright"... The girl exclaimed. "Let's get this show started"... The boy said in a playful tone. "Time to get moving".The adult left the room. The boy smiled.

Earlier that day...

The blonde was walking down the streets of Konoha, on his way to meet up with his team. Boruto giggled. Today was gonna be great!. If everything went as planned, the greatest plan in history should take place this afternoon!

A couple minutes later, and he arrived at their meeting point, where Sarada and Mitsuki were already waiting. "You're late..."

"Well, it's not my fault if you decide to show up early you know..."

The girl sighed. "Can't you back me up here Mitsuki?"

"Hm? As long as he shows up, I don't really care." He replied.

"I forgot you were like that... "

The blonde giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm gonna pull the greatest prank on my dad today!"

She sighed again. "When will you stop being childish like that?"

"I'm not childish you know! ... You know what? Maybe you should tag along!"

"Me? Tag along on a prank on lord Hokage? Tch. Never! If I'm going to become Hokage I don't have time to waste on stuff like that."

Boruto stared bored at her. A smile was then formed on his lips.

"You know.. if all goes well then you could end up learning a couple things about your dad." He knew that would make her interested. A couple of seconds passed.

"Just what are you planning?"

"I know my old man's schedule. When he leaves his office today, I'm gonna sneak into his office and peak at the files, and then leaving a special... surprise for him to find when he gets back." An evil smile was formed on the boy's face.

"No way I'm doing that,"

"Fine. Then I'll just go by myself. Just tellin ya. My dad won't leave his office again for months. It's a good chance." Sarada seemed to be considering a couple things.

"What's a good chance?" The three genins looked up to see their sensei, coming flying down from the sky. Konohamaru. "You're late..." . True enough, their sensei was, in fact, half an hour late. "Yeah sorry. I had some important business."

No questions asked. "So? What will be our mission today?". "We are to escort this special scroll to a closeby village" Konohamaru pulled out a scroll from his pocket. "Really? That sounds so boring. If they just needed a scroll to get delivered, they could've just sent it by mail, you know."

"Well, you see. That's what they would've done if this scroll wasn't so special." That stirred up their interest. "Just what kind of scroll is it?". "And why do we have to deliver it?"

"It's a scroll with a special medical ninjutsu formula. Apparently, a very special chakra virus has spread out in nearby villages. And this scroll holds the cure to that virus. But enemy ninjas will do everything to get their hands on this scroll, and there we must protect it"

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