Unexpected news

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"Crap..." The door to the room flew up, and the light was turned on in a flash. They covered their eyes since their eyes had gotten used to the dark. "What the-" A confused Naruto said, as he realized it wasn't an intruder in his office. "Sa...Sarada?" Naruto asked. "Hi lord Hokage..."

"What are you doing here?" Naruto was talking in a strict tone.

"It wasn't my fault! It was all that stupid Boruto's idea! And then we got in here, and then he fiddled with the scroll and then-!"

"Whoa whoa there. What happened. Boruto did what?" Sarada shily stepped aside, giving the Hokage the shock of a lifetime. "What the- Boruto?!" "You look like..." " A kid. I know you know! I'm the one freaking out here," The tiny blonde said in a squeaky voice. Naruto ran over to his unusually small son.

Naruto bent down to be his height, which was even lower than usual. "Boruto you didn't play around with daddy's important files, did you?" "Geez, you old geezer! Just cause I look younger, you don't have to talk to me like a baby..." Boruto snapped.

It was just an instinct. Whenever Boruto and Himawari had been this small in the past, which felt like forever ago, he had always talked like this. He just couldn't help but feel like this was that time again when he looked like that.

He looked at his son with a serious look. "You didn't touch the drawer of unfinished jutsus, did you"? "So what if I did..." The little boy answered.


"Those scrolls were created by the second Hokage! Most of them are extremely dangerous, and you could suffer severe consequences if you perform a jutsu that isn't complete!" He yelled, which made Boruto a little shocked. His dad hadn't talked to him like that since that time he a drawn on his important paperwork as a four-year-old.

The young boy looked away. "Don't tell me what to do!". Naruto ignored his son. "What scroll did you use?" He asked wanting an immediate answer. It was clear his dad wasn't taking him seriously. Geez! I thought he knew that I'm not a little kid anymore! He suddenly remembered the situation he was in.

Before he could say anything, Sarada spoke up. "It was in the drawer of the second Hokage's unfinished jutsus." Hand Signs were Boar, Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, Dog, and Hare." Naruto looked like he had seen a ghost."Boruto. Was there a seal on that scroll?"

Boruto thought back. He remembered some kind of seal on the scroll that said WARNING something, something. "Yeah, so what?"

He looked at Sarada. Go get Sakura. NOW." He ordered. Sarada looked scared. She had never seen lord Hokage like this. She nodded and ran out the door.

"Why did you say that! I don't need Aunt Sakura, I'm just fine!" Boruto was confused by his dad's actions. "You know what people say about there always being a bad side to something good?" Boruto asked. "Um, I don't get what you mean,"

"You know, like... Even though the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is a great power, the only way to obtain it is to suffer severe tragedy." Naruto explained. "Sure I know that, but what's that got to do with anything?" The child asked.

"This jutsu allows a person to relieve half their life. Say for example you are 60 years, you turn 30. And 20 you turn 10." He explained. "Oh, so that's why I'm a six-year-old!" Boruto realized. "However..." Naruto said in a tone that Boruto didn't like.

"Like I said before this jutsu wasn't finished. And I'm afraid that it's messed up your chakra flow." "And what does that mean? "It means you won't be able to perform any ninjutsu. And that's not all... I read something about a jutsu that worked like this. A person was stupid enough to perform it on themselves. They died because their chakra flow completely stopped working."

The little boy stared terrified at his father. "So what's gonna happen?" He asked in a shivering voice. Naruto looked worried at his son. "As you know, the great Lady Tsunade is one of the three great Sannin and the best medical ninja in the world. And Sakura was her student. I think those two are the only ones who can really determine just how bad your condition is."

Boruto looked like he had just seen a demon. His dad bent down and did something he hadn't done in ages. He gave his son a tight comforting hug. Boruto could feel his concern... He stared at his teacher, who didn't look surprised by his actions. For once in his life, his dad actually cared... Boruto hugged him back.

Mama! Sarada yelled as she ripped the door open and stormed inside. "Calm down Sarada. What's wrong?" Her mother asked, wearing her kitchen apron. There was a smell of Miso soup filling the house. "Mama! Lord seventh told me to go find you! Boruto-baka messed up big time!"

"What? What happened? And why me on my day off.."He seemed worried... I..I I just.."

Sakura bent down, so she was looking her daughter in the eyes." Just take a deep breath. What happened, and how can I help?" Sakura asked, as the sweet, caring mom she was. Sarada took a deep breath. She hadn't been this worried about Boruto, since that time they were both three years old, and he fell and broke his nose on the swings.

"I Just... Lord Hokage told me to bring you, and you should probably just bring your medical bag as well." The girl said as she had finally calmed down. "Alright". The pink haired girl said, as she untied her apron, grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

The mother and daughter then rushed over to the Hokage's office.

We're here! Sarada said as she ran through the door, her mom right behind her. "Sakura!" Naruto said relieved. "What happened? Why did you call me on my day off?"

Naruto stood up. "Sakura... We kind of have a.. situation." "Bo-Boruto!?" She said as she recognized the boy. "What happened to you?!" "He messed with something he shouldn't have," Sarada answered.

"We're afraid that something may have messed up his chakra network. We already tried, but he doesn't seem to be able to perform any ninjutsu at all. Or even connect chakra directly to his feet or hands." Naruto said.

"I see.." Sakura said. "Well let's get started," She said, as she started examining the tiny boy.

Author's note:

Hi again! Yeah, I know this fanfic is a bit weird, but it just popped to my head one day, and here we are! I am planning to keep on updating, so stay updated! (If you want...)

Well anyways, as I told you before this is my first fanfic, so don't go too hard on me okay? Well anyways, enjoy!

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