Kidnapping failure

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"Weeeeeee!" The little boy yelled, swinging back and forth on the swingset at the leaf village playground. Sarada was sitting on the bench, trying to catch her breath. "How can ONE boy have that much energy!?" She said to herself, as she thought about everything they had already done.

-Run three times around the village

-Visit every burger restaurant in the village

-Climb the Hokage mountain

-Train in the forest

-Play hide and seek with the ANBU

-Take a 5-minute nap

-Run three more laps around the village

-Speak to every single kid on the playground

-Try on Sarada's headband, and running away, so she had to hunt him down to get it back.

- Avoid every single person they knew

- Play tag

-Ride the thunder train. (On the roof of course).

- Paint all trees in the forest orange, before getting caught by Sarada and having to clean it all up again.

And it had only been 2 hours since they left the hospital! He was like an unlimited supply of free energy. "If this keeps up, I'm going to tire out before our parents figure out anything." Sarada thought to herself. "Hey, Boruto? Do you wanna go somewhere cool?" She asked referring to the hot springs.

"Boruto?" She asked as she didn't get a response. He was usually so chipper... She looked over at the playground, and Boruto was nowhere to be seen. "Not again!" Sarada yelled, thinking this was another one of his games.

He was hiding in the bushes nearby, about to giggle loudly, as Sarada searched and couldn't find him. "Geez! She's so dumb! She can't even find me.." He thought to himself, as he kept looking at her.

Little did he know someone was creeping up on him from the behind. "Boruto Uzumaki?" A deep, dark voice suddenly asked. "Huh?" The tiny blonde asked as he turned around.

A tall shinobi walked up to him. He was wearing the hidden mist headband, and he looked bloodthirsty.

"Who are you mister?" He asked confused. "That doesn't matter brat!" He yelled as three more men with the same headbands. The blonde already knew what they were trying to do.

Because he was the Hokage's son, many people had before been after him. "After him!" What looked to be the leader yelled.

They all jumped at him, but Boruto lept up into the air before they could catch him. From the looks of it, these guys are genin, maybe chunin... Boruto thought as he started running towards the forest.

"After him!" They all yelled as they followed him.

Boruto had always hated it when people were after him, especially when it was either chunin or Jonin ranked because then it was something out of his league. But now that there was no overprotecting daddy or babysitter on his tail he could enjoy himself and have a little fun...

Boruto could hear them coming behind him. "Shadow clone jutsu!" He yelled as óne shadow clone appeared, and ran the other direction. "What the-" They seemed to have been confused by his distraction...

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